Reading Specialist By: Johanna Barnes
What options are available within this field? One reading specialist job you could pursue is a Title 1 or remedial reading teacher.
Salary range for those different options Title 1 reading: the average salary for a title 1 teacher is $31,642 per year. Remedial reading teacher: the average salary for a remedial reading teacher is $36,506 per year
Education or Special Training Requirements to become a reading specialist, most school districts require at least a bachelors degree in reading and literacy; many also require a master’s degree in reading education. Student teaching work and a teaching license are also necessary. A reading specialist must be personable, patient, and good with kids.
Schools or Organizations that offer that education or training Drexel University Penn state Columbia university
Special Qualities and Abilities Needed For Someone to do The Job Well You need to be good with kids, personable, patient, and believe in your kids.
Somebody Well-known In The Reading Specialist Field Mrs. flerlage is somebody that is a reading specialist. As a child mrs. Flerlage dreamed of being either a nurse or a secret service agent. Rather than those occupations, she has chosen to be our outstanding title 1 teacher. Mrs. flerlage chose her career in teaching because she loves kids and wants them to experience school better than she did.
My Reaction to The Information Gained. I wasn’t really surprised by any of the information gained.
I used Wikipedia and the rommelt reporter. Websites that I Used I used Wikipedia and the rommelt reporter.