7th Annual Rumble on the Rock ITF Taekwon-Do Invitational Championship St. Johns, Newfoundland, Saturday, November 16th 2013 Date: Saturday, November 16th, 2013 Location: College of the North Atlantic (Gym), Prince Phillip Drive, St. Johns. Black Belt meeting: 9:00am Competition Starts: 9:30am Admission: $5.00 (5 and under FREE) Host: Downeys ITF Taekwon-Do Contact: (709) DOWNEYS TAEKWON-DO
Dear Masters and Instructors: I would like to extend an invitation to you and your students to attend the 7th Annual Rumble on the Rock ITF Taekwon-Do Invitational Championship, Saturday, November 16 th We look forward to welcoming you and your students to a well organized and fun filled event. Enclosed please find (1) competition entry form, (2) Black Belt officials list, (3) Competition poster, and (4) Travel information sheet. The hotel (Super 8) is only a 5 minutes from the airport. The competition venue (College of the North Atlantic Gym) is just a 5-10 minute walk from the Hotel. The Hotel for the event will be the Super 8 located on 175 Higgins Line, corner of Higgins Line and Prince Philip Drive. Their phone number is Toll Free# Their web site is Please note that all forms and registration fees ($50.00 for one or two events) must be sent by Friday, November 8th. There will be no registration at the door. Each school must send one money order for all competitors payable to Downeys Taekwon-Do. The competition will include patterns and sparring and will be run according to ITF rules. Mandatory sparring equipment will include hand and foot gear, headgear (all ages- no exceptions), mouthguard, and groin cup for males. Competitors will be grouped in categories of 4 on the day of the competition to ensure that all competitors are guaranteed two medals each. The competition is for Yellow Belts and up. Sparring will be one round of 1 ½ minutes for colored belts and 2 minutes for Black Belts. We will allow touch contact for colored and Black Belts. Safety of competitors is our main concern and minus points and/or disqualification will be given for excessive contact. A competitor can be disqualified for the first excessive contact. This will be strictly enforced. Please educate your competitors regarding the level of contact that will be allowed. If you have any questions please call me or Mrs. Downey at (709) Cell# (709) or me at Sincerely, Scott Downey, VII Dan (M.Ed, R.Psych) President, ITF Newfoundland and Labrador (ITFNL) Vice-President East (CTFI) Tournament organizer ________________________________________ Master Scott Downey, VII Dan (M.Ed, R.Psych) President, ITF Newfoundland and Labrador (ITFNL) Vice-President East (CTFI) Tournament organizer
7 th Annual Rumble on the Rock ITF TaeKwon-Do Invitational Championship Saturday, November 16th 2013 Competition Entry Form Name:_________________________ TKD School Name: __________________________________ Home Address:_______________________________________________ Phone Number:_____________________________ Age:_________ Gender: (M)_____ (F)______ Weight (pounds):______________Rank:______________ Check the division(s) you will be competing in: Sparring ( ) Patterns ( ) I,_________________________ herby submit my application for registration in the 7th Annual Rumble on the Rock ITF Invitational Championship. I agree to waive all claims against any person(s) connected with the event, for any injury that I may sustain during the competition. I hold myself responsible for my own actions and promise to act according to the rules and regulations of the International Taekwon-do Federation. I further agree that Downeys TaeKwon-Do may use any pictures or video taken of me at the event for promotion or publicity purposes without compensation now or in the future. Applicants Signature:________________________ Date:__________________Parents Signature (if under 18):________________________ Please PRINT your name on forms below. This form and $50.00 (cash only) should be placed in an envelope and given to your instructor on or before Thursday, November 10 th. Fee: $ or 2 Events Includes cost of lunch Sparring Please Print Information Name:____________________ School:______________________ Belt Color:_________________ Weight (pounds):______________ Height (feet/inches):____________ Patterns Please Print Information Name:____________________ School:___________________ Belt Color:_________________ LUNCH ORDER: Competitors Name:____________________________________ Pizza and Please select one: Coke ( ) Diet Coke ( ) Bottled Water ( )
7th Annual Rumble on the Rock ITF TaeKwon-Do Invitational Championship Saturday, November 16 th 2013 Black Belt Officials List Note: All Black Belts (age 12 and up) who are competing will be required to officiate at the competition. Name of School:________________________________ Province:______________________________________ NameAgeRank
Flight Sheet Flight Information Sheet Note: Only those competitors arriving on Friday, November 15 th will receive transportation from the airport to the hotel. Instructors Name:____________________ Phone Number:________________ ______________________________ School Name:_____________________ Province:_______________________ Date of Arrival:___________ Airline:_______ Flight #:_________ Arrival Time:__________ Total number of competitors and supporters needing transportation for this particular flight:________________