The Diaspora of the Major religions Students will use maps to distinguish why certain religions are practiced with a higher concentration in certain areas.
Warm Up: Describe the practice of alchemy. What was its main use?
What is a Diaspora? Diaspora: the dispersion or spreading of something that was originally localized (as a people or language, religion or culture)
The spread of Judaism Abraham traveled the Middle East spreading the teachings he received from God. Canaan (modern day Israel) is now the center of the Jewish faith.
Christianity Spreads Paul of Tarsus spreads Christianity all the way to Rome (Italy) Vatican City the center for Christianity now located in Rome
Islam spreads Muhammad spread Islam between the cites of Mecca and Medina. These cities are now the center for the religion of Islam.
Turn and Talk We know that the religion of Islam spread throughout the Middle East. If Muhammad spent the majority of his life in Mecca and Medina. How did it spread so much?
Why does Religion spread? Stop and Jot: Why do you think people who have a religion can be convinced that there is another religion that is actually correct and theirs is wrong?
Reason Religions spread. Evangelism: the spreading of a religion by public preaching or personal witness Migration: People move and bring with them their beliefs By Sword: Populations are forced to believe a specific religion Generational: Religion is spread to children by their parents Experience: People have an experience they attribute to a deity.
Work Time Use the below map to answer the questions assigned to your group.
Quick Write What is a trend, belief or cultural phenomenon that has spread from a localized idea into a widespread following?