Advert Men and women wanted for hazardous journey, no small wages, self-funding, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success.
four north poles
2nd February 2006 5th March 2006
The big questions Is it really our fault? Is there anything we can do about it? If we’re not measuring what is happening effectively then how do we know whether anything we do is having any effect?
So what can we do about it? Attitude Take individual responsibility Set an example for others to follow Make efficient use of energy Manage waste effectively Plan and prepare for disaster Take further action as a business
Probably the most important piece of Citizen Science ever undertaken. Unique Event Probably the most important piece of Citizen Science ever undertaken.
Ozone Story 22 years ago, 13th September Montreal Protocol Replacement of CFC’s International co-operation May be replenished by 2050 !
How can you get involved? Tell everyone about what we are doing Send us a supporting email