(Pacific Athletic Director)
Please go to our district website: Click on Athletics State Athletic Information can be found at:
Pacific Middle School Cascade Middle School Chinook Middle School Sylvester Middle School Showalter Middle School
Activity bus leaves Pacific at 4:30pm on practice days and about 20 minutes after the conclusion of games on game days Students riding home with parents after an away game need to make personal contact with the coach at the game Students riding home from an away game with another parent, must have completed the parent transportation waiver form prior to the event ALL STUDENTS MUST RIDE THE BUS TO THE EVENT
District grading expectations apply at Pacific. Students must have a 2.0 to participate. If the report card is below that, the student must sit out for 3 weeks to improve their grades to a minimum of 2.0. Students must be in attendance at school on the day of the game or practice in order to participate (doctors appointments are accepted with a note) Our district has an athletic fee for participation. If a student pays for 2 sports the remaining sports participated in are free. If financial assistance is needed see the coach or Mrs. Dorough in the Pacific office.
Report all injuries to the coach Coach reports all injuries to AD Accident report required for all injuries and is generated by the coach Emergency cards must be up-to-date Physicals are required prior to any participation in athletics (1 st meeting with no activity is allowed) Physicals are good for 24 months
Head injuries are a serious matter. Please take care to expressly report head injuries! Please see for symptoms and details or ask the coach for the information sheet - Heads Up Concussion in Youth Sportswww.cdc.gov/Concussion
Our most important competition in the International League is for the Sportsmanship Championship. Each season coaches will vote on a school demonstrating the most positive sportsmanship in the league. This is athletes, coaches, and spectators both adult and student. At the end of the year, the championship goes to school that has the most seasonal awards.
All Spectators Will Avoid: Negative comments Confronting coaches or officials Confronting opponent All Spectators are Encouraged to: Positively cheer for and support student athletes Contact the administrator on duty if something does not feel right Make an appointment to talk with the coach when concerns arise
Have an Amazing Season! Go Vikings!!