Ic vs field perpendicular to ab plane-two samples cut from what we got We had to cut because of space limit in our rotator
Angular dependence @ B=4 T After this measurement we try to measure angular dependence at 20 T but sample broke – including hastelloy
Comparison to other samples containing BZO sample M3-609-1-MS norm to 12mm, thickness 2.15 um sample M3-594-1-MS norm to 12 mm thickness 1.5 um
The same on log-log scale sample M3-609-1-MS norm to 12mm, thickness 2.15 um sample M3-594-1-MS norm to 12 mm thickness 1.5 um
Omparision with sample M3-609-1-MS (it is normalized to 4 mm width!) It seems that at least at B=4T tape 2140 has wider ab peak that the other one And smaller anisotropy. sample M3-609-1-MS norm to 4mm, thickness 2.15 um
It would be interesting to have higher fields angular dependence for the present tape But two samples broke when we attempted to measure them at higher field/higher angles In the past we had similar problems with other samples : degradation, delamination or even total Break . Especially with the samples without copper coating.as tapes 1986-2, 1975-1 and 1992-2 So we faild to check if the present tape has also this cusp-like behavior around ab plane as sample M3-609-1-MS shown below-this was the most robust sample we measure so far
1 modify the probe: holders to thin? To short? 2 make straight probe for perpendicular measurements 3 find good flux for In and Sn/Pb 4 to find how we can mount samples other than SP tapes? 5 AMSC samples at 77 400 A/cm-wide SF ???