Store and transmit hereditary and genetic information. Nucleic Acids Store and transmit hereditary and genetic information.
What elements are Nucleic Acids composed of? Carbon (C) Hydrogen (H) Oxygen(O) Nitrogen (N) Phosphorous (P)
Nucleic Acid Monomers (Building Blocks) Nucleotides are the building blocks (or monomers) that make up most nucleic acids. Nucleotides consist of 3 parts. sugar(pentose) + nitrogenous base + phosphate
Nucleic Acid Monomers (Building Blocks) Draw a Nucleotide
Nucleic Acid Polymers Three main types of nucleic acids DNA = Deoxyribonucleic acid Instructions which code for protein synthesis
Three main types of nucleic acids Nucleic Acid Polymers Three main types of nucleic acids RNA = Ribonucleic acid Is single stranded genetic information inside the nucleus of cells
ATP is used as energy for the cell Nucleic Acid Polymers Three main types of nucleic acids ATP = Adenosine triphosphate ATP has a slightly different structure than DNA and RNA. It contains a base + sugar + three phosphates ATP is used as energy for the cell