Topali Lombardo Alessandro First school international Grid Acitrezza 2007, 6 luglio
Job-interactive Type = "Job"; JobType = "Interactive"; Executable = ""; Arguments = "ctvgrid.aln"; InputSandbox = {"","ctvgrid.aln"}; OutputSandbox = {""}; ListenerPort=21001;
features Static installation 80 M On all Worker Node of Grid Acitrezza ! Dinamic installation
Script - Job-interactive # Export DISPLAY environment to a remote machine. export DISPLAY= # Define the input file used for rendering by TOPALI. TOPALI_INPUT_FILE=$1 LOCAL_DIR=`pwd` echo "Welcome! This is a simple interactive job.";echo echo "About TOPALI." echo "TOPALI is a software for biogenetic" echo "Do you want to start TOPALI (y/n) ? [Y]:" read ANS case ${ANS} in Y|y) #Launch application. cd /opt/exp_soft/gilda/TOPALi echo "$PWD" ./TOPALi ;; *) echo "Have a nice day!" ;; esac echo "That's all folks!!"
Console - Job-interactive
File input
File output
Results DSS algorithm
PDD- algorithm
Upgrade Interactive MPI ? Integration Genius ? Storage data ? Metadata ?