EMERALD COAST USBC ASSOCIATION ANNUAL YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT 22 – 23 FEBRUARY 2014 !!All Prize Money Will Be Scholarship!! ENTRY FEE $15 PER PERSON/PER EVENT (Separate All-Events Scratch entry fee of $5) DEADLINE FOR ENTRY FEES – 16 FEBRUARY 2014 TEAM EVENT SHOAL RIVER BOWLING CTR 5204 S Ferdon Blvd Crestview, FL 32536 850 682-1310 SINGLES/DOUBLES FORT WALTON BEACH BOWL 764 N Beal Pkwy Ft Walton Bch, FL 32547 850 863-5603 DIVISIONS TEAM SINGLES DOUBLES A 640 and Higher B 560-369 C 480-559 D 400-479 E 399 and Under A 160 and Higher B 140-159 C 120-139 D 100-119 E 99 and Under A 320 and Higher B 280-319 C 240-279 D 200-239 E 199 and Under DATES AND TIMES TEAM: Sat Feb 22: 12:30 PM; 4 PM Sun Feb 23: 2:00 PM Singles/ Sat Feb 22: 12:30 PM; 4 PM Doubles Sun Feb 23: 2:00 PM - DEADLINE FOR ENTRY IS 16 February 2014 - Shoe rentals are included in entry fees - Bowlers entering doubles must bowl singles - Bowling lineup will be as printed on the form COST PER EVENT SHOAL RIVER BOWLING CTR FT WALTON BEACH BOWL LINAGE $7.00 AWARDS $6.50 EXPENSES $.50 SCHOLARSHIP $1.00 TOTAL $15.00 **OPTIONAL SCRATCH ALL-EVENTS AWARD $5 PER BOWLER - NOTE ENTRY ON D/S ** “THIS EVENT IS USBC CERTIFIED.”
2013 - 14 YOUTH DIVISION TOURNAMENT ENTRY FORM Do not write in this block ENTRY # __________ Date Rcvd _________ TEAM CAPTAIN ______________________ ADDRESS ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ PHONE: HOME __________WORK________ MAIL ENTRY FORM ONLY TO: ECUSBCA 333 RACETRACK RD, NW SUITE 109 FT WALTON BCH, FL 32547 CITY STATE ZIP TEAM NAME:_________________________________ TEAM HOUSE – SHOAL RIVER DESIRED TEAM TIME: CIRCLE ONE: SAT Feb 22 – 12:30 PM; 4 PM FT WALTON BCH BOWL SUN Feb 23 - 2:00 PM Bwlr Pos LAST NAME FIRST USBC # AVG AGE M/F FEE $15 ea 1 $15 2 3 4 TOT $60 DOUBLES AND SINGLES PAIR 1 D/S - FWB BOWL Circle Desired Time Sat Feb 22: 12:30 PM 4 PM Sun Feb 23: 2:00 PM D / S LAST NAME FIRST NAME USBC # AVG HDCP $15/ event AE SCR $5 TOT 1 $30 2 $60 DOUBLES AND SINGLES PAIR 2 D / S LAST NAME FIRST NAME USBC # AVG HDCP $15/ event AE SCR $5 TOT 1 $30 2 $60 !!BOWLERS WHO WANT TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL-EVENTS SCRATCH NOTE ENTRY IN THE D/S BLOCK $5 FOR ENTRY.!! AVERAGES VERIFIED BY: _____________________________________________ VERIFYING COACH’S SIGNATURE
TOURNAMENT RULES Entry is open to all USBC Members registered in the ECUSBC and invited guest. The tournament will consist of team and doubles/singles event made up of members of the ECUSBC and members of Strikers Lanes in Andalusia, Alabama. Multiple participation is allowed in the team event with no more than two (2) of the original team members. Multiple entries into the doubles/single event are not allowed. Bowlers already entered in the doubles/singles may bowl as subs should they be needed. 4. Entering average will be their highest USBC league average based on a minimum of 21 games as of January 1, 2014. Entrants who do not have an average with 21 games prior to January 1, 2014 may use their highest average based on a minimum of 9 games as of February 15, 2014. All others must bowl scratch. 5. Averages must be verified by the center coach’s signature on the entry sheet. All averages must be verified prior to bowling or scores will be scratch. Average sheets or league standing sheets from the leagues must be provided with entries from each house. Any non-verified average will bowl scratch. 6. There will be five (5) divisions based on the verified average as stated on the entry sheet. 7. Handicap will be 90% of 220. Awards: All Awards will be scholarship, pro-rated as entries permit. Awards will be based on 1 in 5 entries. Entry fees will be $15 per event bowled per bowler per event. No entry will be accepted without the proper fees. Entries must be postmarked or delivered to the tournament Manager not later than February 16th, 2014. There will be no walk in entries for this tournament. Terms of the USBC code will apply to the bowlers circle and concourse. All bowlers must be properly attired with no halter tops, tank tops, short shorts, hats, clothing with profanities, no bare midriffs, etc. This is a non-smoking event. No electronic devices (including cell phones) are allowed in the bowlers circle. 12. Telescores or auto scoring will be the official score and will be recorded by tournament officials on the official recap sheets. 13. Appeals or protest regarding scores averages, or eligibility must be made in writing to the tournament director within 24 hours of the error or infraction. 14. Entrants agree that the ECUSBCA, its officials and directors shall be liable only to the extent of return of entry fees should entrants be prevented from bowling in the tournament. 15. The tournament committee (ECUSBCA) will decide on any rules not covered in these rules.
2014 USBC Junior Gold Championships July 12 - 18, 2014 2014 USBC Youth Open Championships 10 - 27Jul 2014 Thurway Lanes, Cheektag, NY) Open to all USBC Youth members! The Youth Open is a non-qualifying tournament, you don't have to have a certain average and you don't have to qualify from a league or state tournament. Simply put – if you are a USBC Youth member, you can bowl in the Youth Open. 2014 USBC Junior Gold Championships July 12 - 18, 2014 2014 FLORIDA STATE YOUTH TOURNAMENT TEAM: Liberty Lanes Largo, FL Entry deadline: 1 Apr 2014 WEB SITE FOR FLORIDA YOUTH BOWLING TOURNAMENT INFO http://www.fsusbcy.com/State-Tournament.html ECUSBCA SPRING YOUTH/ADULT TOURNAMENT, - SHOAL RIVER BOWLING CENTER - 26 April