WMS Implementation of Surface Weather Observations Tom Kralidis Meteorological Service of Canada 25 February 2014
Data Quality Dashboard
Data Quality Dashboard OWS Realtime surface weather observations Automated Quality assessment Powered by OGC:WMS 1.1.1/1.3.0 (+WFS 1.0.0/1.1.0) Supports WMS-Time, but not BP per se (yet) MapServer
OWS Implementation Network of Hourly Observations ( Layer) Datetime ( Dimension [time]) Extent automagically generated in Capabilities XML via automated process If no TIME parameter is supplied, display ‘latest observation’ Elements (air temperature, relative humidity, etc.) ( Style Names/Titles, Layer Keywords) Quality assessment flags ( Style Names) Overall rollup ( Default Style) Per element
WMS Visualization of Qa Flags http://host/msc-ows?...layers=foo&styles=qa_problems&time=2011-11-11/ 2011-11-12&
Pros / Cons Pros Cons OGC CSW Best Practice for MetOcean can help Fits into existing implementations Works with off the shelf software Manageable Capabilities for downstream harvesters Cons Catalogue Harvest / Search Granularity Searching for air temperature will return entire layer Client needs to do WMS GetCapabilities, present layers/styles and then bind based on selection OGC CSW Best Practice for MetOcean can help *How* an OGC WMS BP for Met is harvested and made searchable e.g. 1 WMS Server with 1 Layer with 5 styles becomes 7 CSW records One click find/bind