VISION Providing accessible and transformed justice services committed to the promotion of Constitutional values. MISSION STATEMENT Together we provide accessible, fair, speedy, cost-effective and quality justice for all.
STRATEGIC GOAL 1 ACCESS TO JUSTICE FOR ALL The goal aims at bringing justice services closer to the communities previously discriminated against through:- Building courts and providing justice services to disenfranchised communities; Improving the quantity and quality of justice services throughout the country; Working with community organisations to improve the provision of justice services; Ensuring that courts use languages, including Braille and sign languages, reflecting the communities in which they are located; Informing communities about their Constitutional rights; Protecting the rights of children, women, people with disabilities, the poor and other vulnerable groups; and Improving access to courts and other justice services for people with disabilities.
STRATEGIC GOAL 2 ENHANCING ORGANISATIONAL EFFICIENCY The goal aims at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the Department’s business through :- Building Human Resource capacity; Prudent management of the Departments finances; Implementing Strategic Planning, including risk management and internal audit processes; Managing stakeholder relationships; Modernising Information Technology systems; and Communicating Justice programmes and improving the image of the Department.
STRATEGIC GOAL 3 TRANSFORMING JUSTICE, STATE AND SOCIETY The goal aims to transform the justice system through:- The process of reviewing the Criminal and Civil Justice Systems; Developing legislation to support the Constitution; Administering deceased and insolvent estates, including the Guardian’s Fund; Promoting Judicial Transparency; Promoting Broad-based Black and Gender Empowerment; Developing programmes aimed at protecting the rights of victims; Implementing TRC recommendations; Supporting Constitutional Development; Protecting and ensuring the independence of Chapter 9 Institutions; and Providing legal advisory services and litigation services to the organs of State.
PROGRAMME STRUCTURE The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development is VOTE 21 in the Estimate of National Expenditure. The Vote is made out of 5 Programmes:- Programme 1 – Administration Programme 2 – Court Services Programme 3 – Legal Services Programme 4 – National Prosecuting Authority Programme 5 – Auxiliary and Associated Services
PROGRAMME 1 : ADMINISTRATION Manage the Department and develop strategies for the efficient administration of justice to enhance organisational efficiency. Strategic Objective 1 : Building Human Resource capacity Reduce the DoJ&CD’s vacancy rate by filling 2741 vacancies; Achieving EE targets to reach 50% of women at Senior Management levels and 2% of people with disabilities at all levels; Achieve 70% of all skills development initiatives as projected in the Workplace Skills Plan; Finalise 242 outstanding disciplinary cases and 287 outstanding grievances within 6 months; and Provide Employee Wellness services to 100% of referred cases.
PROGRAMME 1 : ADMINISTRATION Strategic Objective 2: Training and Development Provide training to at least 50% of DoJ&CD staff; and Provide training to other staff of the Justice family (LAB; NPA; Chapter 9 Institutions and any other Department requiring legal training of their staff). Strategic Objective 3: Implementing sound financial management Ensure unqualified audits; Ensure full compliance with prescripts of supply chain management procedures; and Ensure integrated reporting systems; Strategic Objective 4: Efficient administration of Third Party Funds Through the rollout of MMT PPP by 2010/11.
PROGRAMME 1 : ADMINISTRATION Strategic Objective 5: Performance Management and Reporting Improve National Operation Centre; and Produce Annual and Quarterly Reports; Strategic Objective 6: Modernise Information Technology Systems Provide 95% uptime of network and applications to authorised users; Ensuring that documents are archived in terms of prescripts; and Integrate Justice Information Technology systems and processes.
PROGRAMME 1 : ADMINISTRATION Strategic Objective 7: Manage corporate risks and improve corporate compliance and accountability Monitor the measures implemented to prevent and combat fraud and corruption by 2009/2010; Secure 127 justice service delivery points with integrated security infrastructure; Roll-out of CCTV in all Thuthuzela Centres; and Conduct and finalise 240 DoJ&CD and NPA Audit projects by the Audit Committee by 2009/10. Strategic Objective 8: Promote Justice Services through media coverage Increase media coverage of the Department’s programmes and services.
PROGRAMME 1 : ADMINISTRATION Strategic Objective 9: Promote International cooperation and ensure compliance with international obligations Ensure cooperation with identified countries
PROGRAMME 2: COURT SERVICES Facilitate the resolution of criminal, civil and family law disputes providing accessible, efficient and quality administration support to the courts, including managing court facilities Strategic Objective 10 : Bringing Justice Services closer to all Build 11 new courts by 2011/2012; Replace 46 of 230 branch courts to ensure that they provide full court services; Ensure readiness of courts to provide justice services during the 2009 Confederations Cup and 2010 FIFA World Cup; Redesignate and extra 9 Branch Courts by 2011/12; and Extend the use of indigenous languages to at least 2 courts per province.
PROGRAMME 2: COURT SERVICES Strategic Objective 11 : Promote and protect the rights of children Implement the Child Justice Bill; and Improve child maintenance services through Isondlo Campaign by 10%. Strategic Objective 12 : Providing adequate Family Law Services Finalise 50% of all cases handled by the Family Advocate within 6 months. Strategic Objective 13 : Providing effective Small Claims Court Designate 180 Small Claims Courts by 2010.
PROGRAMME 2: COURT SERVICES Strategic Objective 14 : Reduce Sexual and Domestic Offences Establish Victim Centred Referral System Improve access to sexual courts by integrating them into mainstream courts; and Support the establishment and management of the National Register for Sex Offenders. Strategic Objective 15 : Review of the Civil Justice System Implement the extension of civil jurisdiction to regional Courts; and Harmonise the rules of court. Strategic Objective 16 :Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System Implement operational and research solutions to the challenges identified in the Criminal Justice System.
PROGRAMME 3: STATE LEGAL SERVICES Provide legal and litigation services, supervise the administration of deceased and insolvent estates and facilitate the development of the Constitution. Strategic Objective 17 : Develop legislation to transform Justice, State and society Submit 11 Law Research publications for consideration and approval by the Minister. Strategic Objective 18 : Develop legislation to promote access to Justice Prepare 12 Bills and subordinate legislative instruments. Strategic Objective 19 : Develop programmes that gives effect to the Constitution Develop and implement programmes aimed at promoting PAJA PEPUDA and PAIA; and Promote awareness of Constitutional rights.
PROGRAMME 3: STATE LEGAL SERVICES Strategic Objective 20 : Assist and Protect Chapter 9 Institutions Develop a programme to assist and enhance collaboration with Chapter 9 Institutions Strategic Objective 21 : Strengthen Participative Democracy Strengthen the role of Civil Society in promoting a Human Rights Culture. Strategic Objective 22 : Reduce State Liability Sign service level agreements between State Attorneys and identified Client Departments; and Reduce Departments reliance on private firms. Strategic Objective 23 : Administer deceased and insolvent estates, including the Guardians Fund Provide beneficiaries of the Guardian’s Fund access to their assets within 60 days of application; Complete registered deceased estate cases worth R125 000 (i) or less within 4 months; and (ii) and more within 12 months.
PROGRAMME 3: STATE LEGAL SERVICES Strategic Objective 24 : To provide Legal Advisory Services to organs of State Certify International agreements and legislation and finalise all requests for opinions within 30 days of request. Strategic Objective 25 : To coordinate the implementation of the TRC recommendations Ensure the development and implementation of regulations to enable disbursements of the monies in the President’s Fund for reparation purposes; and Attend to the needs of the identified TRC victims.