Camera Settings
SETTING YOUR DSLR CAMERA Set your camera before shooting: - Set at 24 FPS - Set to manual focus - FPS x 2 = Shutter Speed - Lowest ISO - Use manual white balance
SET AT 24 FPS FPS = Frames Per Second /# of pictures played per second GOAL: to have natural motion look in film You would set to: ● 24 FPS = BEST for setting up natural look to human eye ● Higher FPS = used for slow motion film
SET TO MANUAL FOCUS GOAL: to gain control of the focus in the scene (YOU control it! Not the CAMERA!) You would set to: ● Auto Focus = If you want majority of the frame to be in focus ● Manual Focus = If you want to control the look of your film and set your focal point
FPS x 2 = SHUTTER SPEED Shutter Speed = How long shutter remains open GOAL: to set a natural film look = shutter speed of (usually) 1/50 ● Slow Shutter Speed = Detail / Motion blur = Good for natural look ● High Shutter Speed = Less detail / Less motion blur = Good for action scene but film appears choppy
LOWEST ISO ISO = camera’s sensitivity to light GOAL: to set the camera to the Lowest ISO that your location will allow You would set to: ● Low ISO = Less sensitive to light = Place with LOTS of light ● High ISO = Very sensitive to light = Place with little light
MANUAL WHITE BALANCE White Balance = what your camera reads as “white”/ making white appear white in camera GOAL: to manually control white balance to set best atmosphere/mood in film You would set to: ● Auto White Balance = if consistent colour of lighting=shooting in the same spot for entire film ● Manual White Balance = if inconsistent colour of lighting (ex. fluorescent -> sunlight)=if moving locations during filming