Multidisciplinary Team in Dysphagia MODULE 7 Multidisciplinary Team in Dysphagia INTRODUCTION/PRESENTATION
How to manage this multidsciplinary approach in your own situation ? AIM Understanding of why a multidisplinary approach is usefull and is often a need How to manage this multidsciplinary approach in your own situation ?
On-site, 1st week of postgrad MDT in dysphagia Brainstorming: Listing of the main goals of a MTD Presentation of models Identification of the caracteristics of the group Identificaiton od the minimal competences or expertises for each goal Evaluation (attendance) On your own place or in an other country Observation of the functioning of a team Report (evaluation --> integration of the concept regarding the observation of teams) On line/on site Analysis of their own situation regarding a team project Slide presentation of their analysis Organisation by professionnal group --> analysis of the different situations in the same professional category in the several practice (and country if it's the case) Preparation Presentation in group Determination of their specific link to one profession and what can be shared On-site, last week of postgrad / on line Scenario with play: wide population, care unit, rehabilitation Oral presentation of its possible role in a MDT regarding her or his job and the aim of the MDT including a n indentification of what it's a singular situation TOTAL TO MODIFY REGARDING THE INFORMATION WE HAVE AND thE FACt THAT WE ARE GOING TO WORK TOGETHER