Stop Sign Cameras
Implemented in 2007 in the Santa Monica Mountain Parks In an 18 month period issued 35,000 citations and the parks have collected on nearly $2 million in fines. MRCA (Mountain Recreation and Conservation Authority) states that the these cameras have been installed to protect hikers, joggers, and bicyclists from speeding vehicles.
Leading Industry provider in Photo Traffic Control Has not only implemented Traffic light, and stop sign cameras , but has developed Mobile Units in which a van equipped with cameras can monitor up to four lanes of traffic.
Is installing these cameras strictly for the protection of pedestrians? Are they Ethical ? Will the use of these traffic enforcement cameras being expanded into the cities? Is there a more efficient more driver friendly solution?
http://reviews. cnet. com/8301-13746_7-20018450-48. html;posts;_ylt=AnxILHXTxCwQKasxlB6A729vzwcF;_ylu=X3oDMTJodWk3N2I0BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAxMDAzL3VzX3N0b3Bfc2lnbl9jYW1lcmFzBHBvcwM4BHNlYwN5bl9tb3N0X3BvcHVsYXIEc2xrA3N0b3Atc2lnbmNhbQ--