Faculty Designation Template Seeking simplicity and function in a complex environment May 5, 2016
History of faculty designation Practices have grown “organically” since 1955 No communication across schools Variable alignment with HR and institutional policy Adjunct/affiliate/clinical appointments inconsistant SOM “irregulars” converted to “Affiliate” in 2011
Current Opportunities Evolving faculty roles New delivery platforms Emerging business opportunities Novel community relationships Standardization of practices across schools Online faculty
Guiding principles Comply with IHL policy Align with accreditation standards Reflect academic best practices Align with HR best practices Reconcile external reporting variances Preserve existing authorities to appoint faculty Create flexibility for new opportunities Align with Strategic Plan
Proposed designation template Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Instructor Clinician-Educator Scientist-Educator Clinician-Scientist
Independent Variables Employment Faculty appointment Staff privileges These factors are now disconnected
Proposed designation template Clinician-Educator Full or part-time provider Preceptor Mission-driven special appointments Selected mid-level providers Sliding-scale effort distribution Very flexible category Career ladder available
Proposed designation template Scientist-Educator Selected employed scientists Novel corporate relationships
Proposed designation template Clinician-Scientist Opportunities for clinical trial participation Population health initiatives Public health collaborations Translational research opportunities
Proposed designation template Styled as: Edgerton Y. Davis, MD Clinician-Educator Department of Phrenology University of Mississippi Medical Center
Stress tests IHL Policy and Bylaws Meets standards of all accrediting bodies (17) HR/Lawson Full-time/part-time employment Preceptors VA relationships Mid-level provider Employed physician
Proposed designation template Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Core of instruction Attending physicians Basic science faculty Tenure/Non-tenure Full or part-time Unchanged
Proposed designation template Instructor Fellows Special situations Selected distance learning faculty
Proposed designation template Clinician-Educator Scientist-Educator Clinician-Scientist Preceptors Selected employed clinicians Selected employed scientists Clinical trial collaborators
Open or closed staff? Neither Rather, we are mission-directed Space for “Affiliated Provider”
Proposed designation template Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Instructor Clinician-Educator Scientist-Educator Clinician-Scientist Completed steps Complete HR work Chair/Dean input Create career ladders Medical staff office Next steps DBA’s/Executive faculty Roll-out July, 2016