CIF Divisional Changes
CIF State Championship Division Changes Beginning CIF Girls Volleyball, Cross Country, Basketball State Championships have re-defined the divisions. In the CCS this will not change for this year. During the course of this year all sports committees will be addressing this issue
New CIF Divisions Division 1As determined by Section Division 2As determined by Section Division 3 As determined by Section Division 4As determined by Section, but enrollment may not exceed 1,250 Division 5As determined by Section, but enrollment may not exceed 500
New CIF Divisions If you have specific recommendations for these CIF State Championship Sports make sure to contact your league representative for that particular sport prior to their evaluation meeting.
CIF Football Bowl Divisions Open Division: Top Team from North vs. Top Team from South Regardless of enrollment Regardless of enrollment Division 1: North 1,701 + South 2,400 + Division 2: North 1,001-1,700 South 1,101-2,399 Division 3: North 1,000 & below South 1,100 & below Small School Division: North 400 & below South 500 & below South 500 & below