Rules for Computer Lab Ms. Mercer Oak Ridge Elementary Fall 2007 Licensed under Creative Commons (NC/SA/Attribute)
Hi, I’m Ms. Mercer! I’ve taught almost 10 years. I love technology, and teaching! My goals: To teach you how to use the computer effectively; To help you think and learn; To help you do your best; Having fun!
Rule One Treat the equipment and tools right, and they will treat you right. Be gentle and take care of them.
Rule Two Do not share personal information online. Don't share passwords with others, online or in person.
Rule Three Work on building a community, try to help and support others. If you don't have something nice to say, you shouldn't say it.
Rule Four Always try to use language, spelling, and grammar appropriate (correct) for school.
Rule Five Go only to online sites you are sent to. Always check before going somewhere that is not on a list of links from your teacher.
Rules Six If you change someone else's work (like on a wiki or a group project) make sure it's to improve the work, not to be mean or take revenge.
Rule Seven Get educated, get learning, but have fun while you're doing it.
Class Procedures When you get to class When you get to the computers When you are working If you have a problem Problems with other students Leaving class
When you get to class Stand in line, facing forward, hands at side or back, not touching others; If your teacher has you line up by numbers, you should be in number order; Come in silently when Ms. Mercer tells you to, and go to the computer. If you have a number, go to that number computer.
When you get to the computers Keep the monitor (the screen) off and wait for instructions; Listen to what Ms. Mercer says, watch what she show you, and raise your hands if you have questions; Wait for the magic word (shalom) to turn on your monitor; Click on the icon (picture) for your grade level and start working.
Monitors and CPUs ON ON
When you are working Raise the hand on a stick if you have a question or problem; This means I have a problem, and Ms. Mercer will come when she is free (not immediately), so keep working; Follow directions, and our rules.
If you have a problem Raise the “hand” on your monitor; The bathroom is a privilege, if you use it, you owe time that you will give during a recess break; Trips to the nurse/office require visible injury; You can interrupt Ms. Mercer immediately for a bleeding injury, but yelling is not acceptable and will not help, so stay calm.
How about problems with others? Use your class meetings to work these out; If there is an immediate danger, let Ms. Mercer know; We will have helpers, but until that time, stay in your seats, and wait for Ms. Mercer.
Leaving class Ms. Mercer will dismiss you, do not leave or turn off computers until she directs you to. Ms. Mercer will tell you if you should log-off or turn off the computers or the monitors. You will stand up, line up by the sink. Face forward, hands at side or back, not touching others, and wait for your teacher to pick you up. You should be quiet in line.