Discussion What are special interest groups? Broadly speaking, what are the goals of special interest groups? How do they work to reach those goals? What roles do they play in the political process?
Special Interest Groups
I. Special Interest groups A. The main role these groups play is to influence public policy through (1)lobbying efforts, (2)electioneering and (3)litigation.
B. Historical Background First Amendment gives legitimacy to interest groups. (free assembly, press, right to petition) Madison- FED. #10 -Was fearful of interests groups (factions) but believed the separation of powers and the division between national and local governments provided ample protection.
C. Lobbyists Are members of, or work for special interest groups. Their goal is to get legislators to create legislation that reflects the group’s interests or get favorable enforcement of a law from executive agencies. They also inform legislators about things they are unfamiliar with.
Registered Lobbyists By State
II. Electioneering Interest groups help candidates by raising money and providing volunteers. Many interest groups have created PACs to help their preferred candidates. Super PACs can raise unlimited funds to run ads. Citizens United V. FEC- allows corporations to donate unlimited funds
III. Litigation Amicus Curiae Brief (friend of the court)- written arguments submitted to the court in one side of a case. Class Action lawsuit- a group of people in a similar situation combine their common grievances into a single suit A-mike-us cure-e-e