4.3.18 Unit 9: The Cold War
Cartoon Analysis We are armed against our imperialistic enemies We seek the friendship of America We hate American capitalism We have no fear of war – we love peace Note: Cartoonists typically use animals to represent nations. The US is usually represented by an eagle & the Soviet Union by a bear. B.S.I.C.A.
International Politics Cartoon outlines the confusion in the US about the Soviet Union’s intentions. Different US policy makers had different ideas of what the Soviet Union was going to do. 4 distinct options emerged for what the US should do next. Hand out “Options in Brief”
Option 1: Impose a Pax Americana New era of peaceful relations Our mission is freedom for all peoples Soviet Union’s schemes must be stopped now US military should force S.U. to accept political & economic freedom How do people in this group view the Soviet Union?
Option 2: Contain Communism Isolationism doesn’t work Soviet Union wants to expand communism US can’t let communism expand Work with other free nations to prevent communism from spreading How do people in this group view the Soviet Union?
Option 3: Co-Exist & Compromise Peace is possible only when powerful countries work together We reject communism, but desire peace We should build up our relationships with other countries and not use force How do people in this group view the Soviet Union?
Option 4: Isolationism WWII win = safety Oceans protect us from invasion We should not get involved in foreign affairs Forcing the Soviet Union to adopt our ways will only lead to war How do people in this group view the Soviet Union?
Option Specialists You will work in groups to dissect one of the 4 options and become specialists on that option. Read the information on your option and answer the questions You will be sharing this information with other people.
Groups – 1st Simon Kat Cheyenne Sarah Trevor Parker Priscilla Katelyn 1: Pax Americana 2: Containment 3: Co-exist 4: Isolationism Simon Kat Cheyenne Sarah Trevor Parker Priscilla Katelyn Michael Will Jenna Amy Gavin Jaelyn Kristin Zachelli Kassidy Diego Ellie Alina Hannah Naomi Srinidhi Ian Andrea Bella Mitchell Nikta Christoph Chase
Groups – 2nd Marshall Rohan Julia Cole Tony Arjan Mackenzie Noah 1: Pax Americana 2: Containment 3: Co-exist 4: Isolationism Marshall Rohan Julia Cole Tony Arjan Mackenzie Noah Chloe H Melanie B Laurence Trevor Ruth Liz Matthew Lauren Yanir Sophia Jacinthe Chloe L Zoe Reagan Nicole Alex Isabella Connor Melanie N Sebestian
Groups – 4th Ally J Nathan G Kaleb Serena Nick Ben James S Zeyuan 1: Pax Americana 2: Containment 3: Co-exist 4: Isolationism Ally J Nathan G Kaleb Serena Nick Ben James S Zeyuan Carolina Spencer B Jack C Rineeta Nathan F Gage Spencer C Sora Hannah Joseph Aly S Colby Jack H Ally F Carson Josh Olivia Kaioni Cameron Alex James R Jeannie Brecklyn
Groups – 5th Jake Kyle Katie Leandros Dylan Ali Maddy Florin Peter 1: Pax Americana 2: Containment 3: Co-exist 4: Isolationism Jake Kyle Katie Leandros Dylan Ali Maddy Florin Peter Varun Barry Shannah Ava Lauren Dawson Callie Jackson Emily Holden Sam Hunter Meganna Kellan Nathan Jerry Brian Madelyn Pavel Raghav Blake
Directions Read the information about your option (first 3 pages of your packet) Answer the questions on the 4th page Save the 5th page (the table) for tomorrow