What is it? The integration of markets, production, and distribution networks beyond national and regional boundaries
History of Globalization 16th Spain 17th Netherlands 18th France 19th Britain 20th USA 21st ???—no one country will ever again be the dominant focus of the entire century.
Global Economic Alliances OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 1960 – Mostly Arab and Muslim members (1970s hit hard due to embargo) GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 1947 – unrestricted global trade signed by noncommunist nations WTO (World Trade Organization) 1995
Regional Trading Alliances (shared political and economic interests to promote trade) ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) 1967 EC (European Community) 1967 EU (European Union) 1993 NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) 1994
Human Rights United Nations – Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 (160 nations took, only 30 have a good record) Amnesty International 1978 (over 1 million supporters in over 140 countries –independent and impartial)
Consumerism Consumerism – People want more than they need (local taste vs homogenization) “Americanization” or “McDonaldization” threatens local cultures
Technology Closing the communication gap E-Mail Internet – “Vehicle for cultural imperialism” Some countries adapt new technology while opposing cultural interference (firewalls) Advances in science (physics, psychology, stem-cell research, cloning, etc…)
Demography 20th Century has a vast increase in the population “Warning to Humanity” 1992 – There is a finite supply of physical resources, and we are on a collision course. Reducing birth rates has become a concern in many countries (WHO - World Health Organization assists in family-planning)
Migration Combination of “push” or “pull” factors Internal Migration (Rural to Urban) – 75% of the world population is urban Problems of Internal Migration – Shanty towns and barrios External Migration ( Long distance migration) Most external migration is from developing countries to industrial societies Migrant communities (maintain social customs and native languages) Tourism
Environment Pollution levels increase Biodiversity – maintenance of multiple species of plants and animals (urbanization is a HUGE threat) Global Warming – rise of global temperature caused by atmospheric pollution, cow farts) Kyoto Conference 1997 (reduce emissions, but not in developing countries)
International Organizations Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) Red Cross Greenpeace Doctors Without Borders International Governmental Organizations The United Nations
The Future????? Who knows? Globalization affected all of the major global events in the 20th century Is there a convergence of cultures in the 21st century?