High Energy High Intensity Hadron Beams Network coordinated by F. Zimmermann and W. Scandale High Energy High Intensity Hadron Beams http://care-hhh.web.cern.ch/care-hhh/ CARE-HHH – Mid-Term Review April 2007 W. Scandale, F. Zimmermann
CARE-HHH – Mid-Term Review April 2007 CARE-HHH network Coordinate and integrate the activities of the accelerator and particle physics communities in a worldwide context, towards achieving superior High-Energy High-Intensity Hadron Beam facilities for Europe road map for the upgrade of the European accelerator infrastructure (LHC and GSI accelerator complex) coordinate activities and foster future collaborations dissemination and outreach WP1: Advancements in Accelerator Magnet Technologies (AMT) WP2: Novel Methods for Accelerator Beam Instrumentation (ABI) WP3: Accelerator Physics and synchrotron Design (APD) Participating institutes: CEA, CERN, CSIC-CIEMAT, CCLRC, DESY, GSI, INFN, PSI, TEU, WUT Associated institutes: CRPP, ENEA, TUBE, ESRF, UPSA, FZK, TEMF, US-LARP (BNL,FNAL,LBNL,SLAC), JINR, IHEP, KEK Additional collaborations: Texas A&M U., U. Geneva, U. Bologna W. Scandale, F. Zimmermann CARE-HHH – Mid-Term Review April 2007
CARE-HHH – Mid-Term Review April 2007 Activities in 2004/07 Events: 24 workshops + 2 CARE-HHH GSI-CERN meetings + 4 HHH-US-LARP coordination meetings Dissemination and outreach: numerous presentations at workshops & conferences 56 HHH publications, almost all workshop proceedings HHH web sites maintained & developed Exchanges and education: 3 US accelerator physicists supported for HHH workshops 5 Russian accelerator physicists supported by HHH in short-term visits to western labs 1 EU junior scientist 2 EU summer students, 1 master student, 5 doctoral students 1 US-LARP Toohig fellow W. Scandale, F. Zimmermann CARE-HHH – Mid-Term Review April 2007
HHH networking results SPS crystal collimation test parameter 25 ns, smaller b* 50 ns, long transverse emittance 3.75 protons per bunch 1.7 4.9 bunch spacing 25 50 beam current 0.86 1.22 longitudinal profile Gauss Flat rms bunch length 7.55 14.4 beta* at IP1&5 0.08 0.25 full crossing angle 100 381 Piwinski parameter 0.60 2.5 peak luminosity 15.5 8.9 events per crossing 296 340 initial lumi lifetime 2.1 5.3 effective luminosity (Tturnaround=10 h) 2.4 2.3 6.5 10.3 e-c heat SEY=1.4(1.3) 1.04 (0.59) 0.36 (0.1) SR heat load 4.6-20 K 0.36 image current heat 0.33 0.78 gas-s. 100 h (10 h) tb 0.06 (0.56) 0.09 (0.9) D0 + crab wire comp. Parameters For the LHC upgrade energy deposition in triplet W. Scandale, F. Zimmermann CARE-HHH – Mid-Term Review April 2007
HHH networking results e- Cloud Clearing electrodes s.c. cable & magnet db Materials Project LHC Quadrupole NED ITER LHC Dipole Strand Cable ~50% complete, http://sdb.web.cern.ch/sdb 2 milestone meetings 2 reports W. Scandale, F. Zimmermann CARE-HHH – Mid-Term Review April 2007
deliverables & milestones compared with original plan Stones (MS) and Intermediate Deliverables (ID). deliverables & milestones compared with original plan 2004: HHH & HHH-APD web site => OK 2005: creation of first web-based beam dynamics code repository => OK http://oraweb.cern.ch:9000/pls/hhh/code_website.startup 2006: web based database for s.c. cables and magnets => OK, 40% complete http://sdb.web.cern.ch/sdb milestones: web reference for IR optics => OK http://care-hhh.web.cern.ch/care-hhh/SuperLHC_IRoptics/IRoptics.html booster synchrotron optics => delayed to 2007 structured list of intensity limits => nearing completion scaling laws for magnet and cryogenic cost => 2007 W. Scandale, F. Zimmermann CARE-HHH – Mid-Term Review April 2007 The workshop on Coil Manufacturing Optimization was postponed to