Motocross - type of motorcycle sport, conducted on the special motokrossovyh lines on a cross-country area in the form of races with a common start.
One of the first motocross events took place in 1908 in England on a military training ground near London. The main purpose was to prove that the speed of the motorcycle on the road above, than at a horse.
IN the USSR, since 1928, the company held regular championships of the country on cross-country race. Motor-technics was a special honor in the leadership of the country, and the number of мотокроссменов grew. The winners of motorcycle races by right considered to be the national heroes.
From 1947 year began to be conducted "Motocross of nations", it took place in the Netherlands and crowned by the victory of great Britain.
In 1952, the International motorcycle federation (FIM) approved the conditions of the European championship of motorcycling in the class of motorcycles with the engine capacity of 500 cc. In 1955, was the first championship of the Europe, and in the first championship of the world.
Since 1963 domestic мотокроссмены were regularly take part in prestigious international competitions. However, the situation of soviet racers complicated by the fact that in the country there was an ideological ban on western motorcycles. Allowed to use only motor-techniques of our allies - the Czech republic, which in those years, produced the famous "Java" and "Чезет". However, on many parameters Czech technology lagged behind the european and japanese. However in 1965 Victor Arbekov on "Чезете" managed to bypass all competitors and become the champion, which became a sensation in the motorcycle world. Arbekov won even the great Joel Robert (Belgium), six times world champion, who was at the peak of the sports form.
In the period prior to 1980, our national team at the "Motocross of nations" and" Trophy nations" three times appeared on the first place, twice for the second and four times - on the third. For the first 18 years leading мотокроссмены country: Arbekov, Grigoriev, Moiseev, Kavinov 4 times won gold medals, 2 silver and 4 bronze medals of world champions.
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