Cultural Competency for Hispanics Add sound Cultural Competency for Hispanics
100 200 300 400 Communi-cation & Family Cultural Beliefs Health Resources Role of Religion Culturally Acceptable Behaviors 100 200 300 400
Another name for rapport building 100 Another name for rapport building Answer: What is Confianza? Back
Should be asked by the healthcare provider. 200 Should be asked by the healthcare provider. Answer: What are Questions? Back
300 Should NOT be used as interpreters due to role reversal. Answer: What are children? Back
Family planning should be completely __________. 400 Family planning should be completely __________. Answer: What is confidential/ private? Back
The primary health care provider in Hispanic/Latino families 100 The primary health care provider in Hispanic/Latino families Answer: Who is a Female? Back
200 The final step in the Health seeking patterns of Hispanic/Latino families Answer: What is Western Health Care Provider Back
300 The onset of this disease takes place by exposure to cold air when the body is overheated. Answer: What is Pasmo? Back
The 3 Hot illnesses that were discussed 400 The 3 Hot illnesses that were discussed Answer: What are pregnancy, diabetes, acid indigestion? Back
100 In traditional Hispanic culture physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals are seen as this Answer: What are authority figures? Back
200 You must earn this in a targeted community to better serve the community’s needs Answer: What is trust? Back
300 Provides policymakers and health care providers with expert information and support in strengthening health service delivery to Hispanic communities across the nation. Answer: What is the National Hispanic Medical Association? Back
400 Tool that enhances the delivery of high quality services to culturally and linguistically diverse individuals and underserved communities. Answer: What is the Cultural Competence Health Practitioner Assessment? Back
Religion and __________ go hand in hand. 100 Religion and __________ go hand in hand. Answer: What is health? Back
200 She is the most common saint in Catholicism and is usually represented on candles. Answer: Who is Virgin de Guadelupe Back
300 He/She is a holistic healer who uses alternative aspects for treatment. Answer: Cuarandero Back
It is mandatory that this is performed on a baby when it is born. 400 It is mandatory that this is performed on a baby when it is born. Answer: What is baptism? Back
100 ___________ is a form of nonverbal communication that should be avoided at all costs. Answer: What is Prolonged Eye Contact? Back
200 Hispanic/Latino Americans in particular have a _____________ of health that combines a respect for the benefits of mainstream medicine, tradition, and traditional healing. Answer: What is a broad definition of Health? Back
300 When a patient tells you that they have a disease you have never heard of, list the one thing the doctor should not say? Answer: What is “that doesn’t exist”? Back
Sitting closer to your Hispanic patients is considered a form of this 400 Sitting closer to your Hispanic patients is considered a form of this Answer: What is respect, and way of indicating interest? Back