The Holocaust HSCE 7.2.3Ch. 32 sec. 3 *Hitler’s vision of Europe = master race----Aryans -all non-Aryans were inferior -would systematically mass slaughter all Jews & others seen as inferior *There was a universal hatred of the Jews in Europe --Hitler tapped into that hatred --Jews blamed for WWI defeat & economic troubles after --Nuremberg Laws---1935---deprived Jews of rights to German citizenship & no marriages btwn. Jews & non-Jews
*Kristallnacht----Night of Broken Glass---Nov. 9, 1938 -Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, & synagogues----murdered almost 100 Jews *Jewish persecution really begins & future looks bad… *1939---many Jews fled to other countries….BUT --after WWII begins, AH conquers those countries…. --Britain, France, & U.S. stop letting Jews in after awhile *AH loves that Jews are leaving Germany *Jews AH could not get rid of = put in ghettos---segregated Jewish areas --Nazis sealed off ghettos w/ barbed wire & stone walls --hoped Jews would starve or die from disease
*The Final Solution---AH got tired of waiting for Jews to die of starvation or disease --decided to go w/ genocide--- systematic killing of an entire people --AH believed German’s conquest depended on purity of Aryan race --Jews = subhumans -also included: gypsies, Poles, Russians, homosexuals, disabled, the insane, & incurably ill….but MOSTLY Jews *Killings began = when Nazis moved across EASTERN EUROPE & USSR --SS units went town to town to hunt down Jews --ALL Jews rounded up, put in pits, shot & buried -Jews not found by killing squads---sent to concentration camps or slave labor prisons *Camps in Germany, BUT mainly in Poland
*Concentration camps---- horrible conditions = AH hope it would speed up the Jewish elimination --prisoners worked 7 days/ wk as slaves for SS or German businesses -Guards severely beat or killed prisoners for not working hard/fast enough -meals = thin soup, scrap of bread, potato peelings --most lost 50 lbs. in the 1st few months --INTENSE hunger! *Final Stage---1942 -camps became equipped w/ huge gas chambers --could kill up to 6,000 humans a day --Auschwitz = largest camp (Anne Frank died there) --people were separated upon entering camp --strong from the weak (women, young kids, elderly, sick) --those labeled “weak” died that very day Gas Chamber
*Prisoners told to go to showers --chamber w/ fake shower heads --once doors closed, cyanide gas poured in -All dead in minutes----bodies sent to crematorium to burn *6 million Jews entered the camps (give or take) --fewer than four million survived…..