Welcome to Early Years and Foundation Stage Coffee and Cake Morning
Wow Moments Provides you with an improved understanding of the expectations of the Early Years Framework, Provides you with the opportunity to support your child’s learning, Provides a clear link between home and school. WOW!
Wow Moments Three areas of focus: I can create an image of my family, I can recognise numbers up to 20, I enjoy joining in with family events or customs.
The importance of reading Exposes your child to a wide range of vocabulary in a range of contexts. Develops imagination and creativity. Develops empathy. Research shows that just 10 minutes a day will expose a child to around 700,000 words a year.
Dates Growth Mindset Workshop: Wednesday 26th (9 – 10am or 2 – 3pm) Bedtime Breakfast: Wednesday 3rd October (9 – 10:30am) Parent Teacher Consultations: Monday 5th November, Wednesday 7th November