Plan of our Movie 2020 1 Sofyan Isufaj Shona Archard-Scott Selena Ormancioglu Neo Liburd
2 The movie will be called 2020 It will be a sequel to the film 2012.
It will also be aimed at people with a NRS Social Grade between A-E. 3 Target Audience The movie rated at age 12 and over due to the minimal use of swearing and the distressing scenes shown. = We would like this movie to be targeted at both a male and female audience. It will also be aimed at people with a NRS Social Grade between A-E.
Research and Ideas. One of our research examples is Jumanji which is an action-adventure and comedy film with a mixture of a little bit of romance. Jumanji is based on a children’s book, the first movie came out in 1995 followed by this new movie which is released in 2017. The characters are the meaning of the genre, for example Kevin Hart is a comedian which will attract both females and males, there is a bit of romance between the two characters which makes the story line interesting. This movie was the one that inspired us the most, we wanted to make a sequel based on the world ending and 2012 was the movie that came to mind that we could analyse and try to make our own successful movie. We did some research on the movie 2012 to gather some information to create our own as a group. 2012 was released 13th November 2009, the genres of this movie is action, disaster, adventure, drama and science-fiction. In our movie we will try to cover most of these genres including a bit of comedy and romance which is different to 2012.
Characters 4 Professor Stevenson - Main Protagonist Lee - Protagonist On the outside Professor Stevenson seams like a normal science teacher but in fact he is a skilled scientist trying to save the world from destruction. Lee - Protagonist Lee is a science university student studying physics in Professor Stevenson’s class. Valentine – Protagonist Valentine is also studying physics in Professor Stevenson’s class.
Location 5 Drama hall = Science lab = Hackney wick = Used to film the class room in which the Professor is teaching Lee and Valentine. Science lab = Used for the Professors office. Hackney wick = Used as a testing area as well as the main location in which the earthquake occurs. Corridors of college = Used to film Lee and Valentine walking up to the professors office.
6 Storyline Lee and Valentine are in a class with Professor Stevenson when the earth begins to rumble. The professor walks over to the window to examine before coming to the conclusion of an earthquake and tells Lee and Valentine to go home. As the professor rushes of Lee and Valentine notice that he has forgotten his ID card as they are packing up there things. Valentine picks up the card to examine the photo when she realizes that there is something hiding behind the card. She tells Lee to follow her and when he asks why she tells him she has something to show him. Once she has taken Lee to the destination he asks why they are outside the professors room to which she replies, wait and see. She enters a pin into the keypad and they both stand in amazement as the door opens. They both enter the room closing the door behind them. Once in the room, they begin to explore all of his belongings in confusion before hearing somebody beginning to enter numbers on a keypad. They hide realising its probably the Professor returning. Once the Professor has entered the room, he begins talking to himself exposing his scientific plan whilst Lee and Valentine are eaves dropping from their hiding places. Lee suddenly drops in front of the professor dragging Valentine along with him. The professor gets angry and starts shouting at the pair for snooping in on his private information whilst Valentine attempts to argue back with him. Eventually they stop and Lee starts questioning. The Professor tells Lee and Valentine about his findings and his plans to save the world from destruction by the infamous earthquake Ida. Lee and Valentine offer to help him in his quest and together they set out to work on a solution.