Evaluating Websites Mr. LaBrake
What kinds of things would you look for when evaluating a website? Evaluate: to draw conclusions about the worth or quality of something by carefully examining it. What kinds of things would you look for when evaluating a website?
The 5 W’s of Website Evaluation WHO WHEN WHAT WHY WHERE
WHO?? Who is the author of the website? Is the author an expert? A member of a professional organization? Is a biography of the author included? Is there contact information for the author? Address? Email?
WHAT?? What is the purpose of the website? Does the website have a title? What information is included? Do you have reason to believe any of the information might be false? Are there spelling mistakes or grammatical errors on the page? Are there a lot of unrelated ads on the page?
WHEN?? When was the website created? When was the website last updated? Are the links on the site up to date and working?
WHERE?? Where does the information come from? Where can I find out more about the sponsor of the website? Does the website cite where it found it’s information?
Why is the information being provided to you? Check the domain extension: last three letters on the end of a web address .com – .org – .net – .edu – .gov – .k12.ny.us – commercial, business organization network educational government New York State public school
You can always trust the information on educational, government, or NYS public school sponsored websites. You should always evaluate the information found on websites with commercial, organization, network, or any other domain extensions. Anybody can create websites with these domain extensions.