단청 Patterns 단 청 (DANCHEONG)
Intro to 단청 단청 refers to Korean traditional decorative coloring on wooden buildings and artifacts for the purpose of style. Koreans created 단청 to depict a utopian world, which they wished they could attain in reality.
Purposes of 단청 1) Protect surfaces from weathering and insects 2) To hide scratches on the surface 3) To show dignity 4) To encourage people to have religious belief and a worshipful attitude.
Colors of 단청 Bold and vibrant colors are used to decorate 단청 patterns. The five main colors are blue (East) , white (West), red (South), black (North) and yellow (Center). Black and white borders are used to emphasize the pattern and colors.
Designs of 단청 The colors of the 단청 add richness and glory to the buildings. The designs of the 단청 vary. Some designs include dragons and fish. But the most common design is the lotus.
Symbols The lotus grows from mud (representing ignorance) up to the clear sunlight (representing enlightenment). The symbol of the fish is often painted on the main Buddha table. It represents the effort and determination necessary for attaining enlightenment, for the fish supposedly, never closes its eyes. 단청 also represents social status and rank by using various patterns and colors.