Body Planes
Anatomic Position Human standing erect, face forward, arms at side, palms forward
Planes Imaginary lines divide body into sections Frontal or coronal Divides body into front and back sections Transverse Divides body into top and bottom halves Midsagittal Divides body into right and left halves
Directional Terms
Directional Terms Cranial Caudal Superior Inferior Located near head Located near sacral area (lower back) Superior Parts located above another part Inferior Parts located below another part
Directional Terms Medial Lateral Ventral or anterior Located near the middle or midline of the body Lateral Located near side Ventral or anterior Located near front of body Dorsal or posterior Located near back of body
Directional Terms Distal Proximal External Internal Body apart lies distant to original reference point Proximal Body part lies close to reference point External Location outside or near surface of body Internal Location inside body
Body cavities Cranial cavity Contains the brain Contained within the dorsal cavity
Body cavities Spinal cavity Contains the spinal cord Contained within the dorsal cavity
Body cavities Thoracic cavity Located within the chest Contains heart, lungs, great vessels
Body cavities Abdominal cavity Contains abdominal organs Divided into nine regions and four quadrants
Body cavities Abdominal cavity Left upper quadrant (LUQ) Contains pancreas, stomach, spleen, large/small intestine Right upper quadrant (RUQ) Most of liver, large/small intestine Right lower quadrant (RLQ) Appendix, some female reproductive organs, some of the intestine Left lower quadrant (LLQ) Some of the intestine and some female reproductive organs
Body cavities Pelvic cavity Contains: Urinary bladder, Rectum, Female reproductive organs
The End
Directional Terms The eyes are located __________ to the nose. The liver is _____ to the diaphragm. The spine is located _______ to the sternum. The stomach is located______ to the heart. The fingers are located ______ to the hand. The brain is located ____ to the heart, which is ____ to the spinal cord. The great toe is ________ to the little toe.
Body Organization Quiz 1. Describe how a body would be divided by each of the following types of planes: Frontal Coronal: Midsagittal: Transverse: 2. Identify the correct directional term to complete the following statements. The liver is ___________ to the diaphragm. Fingers are located_____________ to the wrist bones. The skin on the dorsal surface of your body is said to be located on your_________surface. The great (big) toe is __________ to the little toe. The lungs and the heart are located _________ to the abdominal organs. 3. Identify which cavity each of the following organs are in: Heart Lungs Intestines Spinal Cord Brain Sex Organs Urinary Bladder