Missionary Name Here LOCATION HERE Here in the United States, we usually feel safe. But today we want to pray for James Keath,* one of our missionaries who serves in the North Africa and Middle East region. No, that's not his real name. We don't use his real name because it would put his life in danger. Missionaries like James are heroes. Even though many live with violence and bloodshed happening around them, they continue to share the Gospel. And even in Iraq and Syria where we read almost daily of the worst kind of horrors, we know God has not forgotten the people there. Our church's Cooperative Program giving supports the missionaries who serve across this region and dollar for dollar, we will do more for peace this way than any other way. Today we pray that God will keep James and our other missionaries safe, as they offer life in places where death is all too common. *Name changed to protect identity. Missionary Name Here LOCATION HERE