Tennis strings
The three most important in tennis Tennis racquet (weight, balance, headsize) Tennis strings (material, gauge, tension) Tennis shoes (material, surface)
TENNIS STRINGS Natural strings Synthetic strings Nylon strings Polyester strings Co-Polyester strings Multifilament strings Hybrid strings
Natural strings (natural gut) Material Cow`s or sheep`s gut (very complicated process) Advantages Excellent elasticity, great tension stabiliy, comfort and feel, Disadvantages Expensive and sensitive to weather Players For everyone (millionaires), for professionals as hybrid Examples Pacific Prime Gut, Pacific Tough Gut, Babolat VS Team, Klip Legend, Bow Brand Championship.
Nylon strings Material Single nylon core and various resistant wraps. Advantages The most common used string, good elasticity, good durability, Disadvantages Players Beginners and internediate players Examples Pacific Power Line, Wilson Championship Nylon, Babolat Powergy, and Prince Tournament Nylon.
Polyester strings (monofilament strings) Material Single polyester fibre (monofilament) Advantages High durability (thinner gauges), great price/performance ratio, Disadvantages Low elasticity, tension loss, Players Professionals and Tournament players Examples Pacific Poly Force Extreme, Luxilon Big Banger Alu Power, Kirschbaum Touch Turbo, Head Ultra Tour.
Multifilament strings (syntetic gut) Material Syntetic copy of Natural Gut (many microfibers are twisted together to a string, which is wrapped with a resistant cover) Advantages High elasticity, great playability (arm protection) Disadvantages Low durability Players Seniors, intermediate players Examples Pacific Futura TXT, Babolat XCel Premium, Isospeed Professional, Head FiberGel, Kirschbaum Touch Multifibre, Wilson NXT Tour.
Hybrid strings Material Main string: durable string (polyester, co-polyester) Cross string: highly elastic or natural gut Advantages Advantages of both mains and crosses (elasticity and durability), various combinations for individual needs Disadvantages Higher cost Players Professionals (80% of tour players), intermediate players Examples Pacific Poly Gut Blend, Wilson HyperLast. Babolat offers the possibility to obtain "half" sets of the Pro Hurricane, the X-Cel Premium and the VS Team for individual combination (Custom+ Hybrid).
Co-Polyster strings Material Modified polyester monofilament often mixed with other materials (Peek, carbon or metallic fibers) Advantages Higher elasticity and no loss of tension compared with common polyester strings (the latest hit-hexagonal/octagonal profile for better spin) Disadvantages Players Professionals, intermediate players Examples Pacific Poly Force Extreme, Luxilon Big Banger Alu Power, Kirschbaum Touch Turbo, Head Ultra Tour.
TOP players PlayerTensionMainsCrosses Novak Djokovic 27/26 kgCo-polyesterNatural Gut (Babolat VS) Rafael Nadal 26/25 kgCo-polyester Roger Federer 24/23 kgCo-polyesterNatural Gut (Wilson)