Warm Up 9/2/16 Answer in 3-5 complete sentences; be prepared to share Begin with the sentence stem: I believe European exploration was important to Texas because…… Explain why European exploration was important to Texas?
Learning Target: We will identify important events and issues related to the establishment of Catholic missions, towns, and ranches and individuals such as Fray Damian Massanet, José de Escandón, Antonio Margil de Jesús, and Francisco Hildalgo Success Criteria: I will analyze the impact of religious establishments in the New World.
Spanish Rule in Texas! 1682-1821
Focus: What lasting impact did the establishment of Catholic missions have on Texas?
*The mission-presidio system: used by Spanish to gain control in other parts of the new world. *Missions were Spain’s main way of colonizing and were expected to support themselves. *A mission was a settlement set up in Indian territory. Friars, or members of clergy who belong to religious groups, invited Indians to live at the missions. *The friars taught them about Christianity, the language and customs of Spain, and Spanish farming methods!
*The goal of the mission: weas to convert the Native Texans to the Catholic faith and make them loyal subjects to Spain *Hoped mission by mission, Texas would become “Spanish.” *A presidio protected a mission and offered protection from unfriendly Indians.
The First Missions in Texas: -were established in he El Paso area (1609), then East Texas, and finally in the San Antonio area. -Towns and settlements were built near missions and colonist were brought in for colonies to grow and survive.
Corpus Christi de la Ysleta
*The first group of colonists to establish a community was the Canary Islanders in San Antonio. (1730) *Ranching was more conducive to where missions and settlements were thriving (San Antoinio) *Cattle were easier to raise and protect than farming.
- American Indians died from disease -Floods destroyed Indians’ crops - American Indians died from disease -Floods destroyed Indians’ crops. *Natives blamed events on Spanish and plotted to kill them. *The Spanish abandoned the missions and headed west!
Fray Damian Massanet Convinced the viceroy of New Spain to colonize East Texas and convert the Caddo 1960 Massanet and Alonso De Leon set out with 2 other friars and nearly 100 soldiers to colonize East Texas They were greeted by the native American with a huge feast and established the first Spanish mission in East Texas name Sand Francisco de los Tejas.
East Texas Colonization Massanet and De Leon’s expedition resuted in many missions in East Texas even though they were failures.
Father Francisco Hidalgo (ee•DAHL•go) The French Return By 1699, the French again posed a threat… One of San Juan Bautista’s missionaries was Father Francisco Hidalgo a friar at San Francisco de los Tejas. Hidalgo wrote the French Catholic priests asking to provide religious services to the local native people when Spanish priest were not available. The letter was sent in secret, without the Spanish officials’ permission. In 1714, The French governor liked Hidalgo’s proposal, as it offered an opportunity to open trade with Native American people and the Spanish settlements. The unexpected arrival of the French party alarmed the Spanish and caused them to be suspicious of French colonization
MARGIL DE JESÚS, ANTONIO He was a Spanish Franciscan priest in 1716, who was charged with setting up Franciscan missions in East Texas. Margil supervised the founding of Nuestra Señora de los Dolores and San Miguel de los Adaes, which with the previously established Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe completed the missions under the control of the Zacatecan Franciscans.
Los Adaes: Spanish capital of the province of Texas Purpose: Help Spanish keep an eye on French activity in the area (only 15 mi. from French settlement of Natchitoches). THAT’S CLOSE!
José de Escandón Later in about 1748, José de Escandón, a military commander from Spain, was given charge of territory running from northern Mexico to the San Antonio River. This region was called Nuevo Santander. Over time, Escandón founded 20 settlements in this area, between the Rio Grande and Nueces River establishing missions presidios, and settlements. Escandón is sometimes called "the father of the lower Rio Grande Valley.“ Responsible for moving La Bahia mission and presidio from the Guadalupe River to the present day site of Goliad
Trouble in Paradise Due to problems in East Texas Margil moved to San Antonio and founded San Jose y San Miguel de Aguayo, one of the 5 missions in San Antonio today.
Mission San Jose in San Antonio
Warm Up 9/6/16 In your own words explain if you think placing the Native Americans in missions was a fair or unfair practice. Sentence stem: I think it was fair/unfair to force the Native Americans into missions because……
Learning Target: We identify the basic set up of Spanish missions. Success Criteria: I will analyze the basic set up of a Spanish mission by designing my own mission.
Design your own Mission/Presidio You will design a mission in Texas. You can look at different missions in Texas to figure out your layout. You will have a certain amount of time for each section of the mission process You can use your phones and textbooks but keep in mind you are limited on time
Part 1 of the Mission/Presidio Design (7 minutes) Name your mission/presidio Come up with a year your mission/presidio was established Location in Texas: Why did you choose that area What does this area have Describe the Indian tribes you serve
Part 2 of the Mission/Presidio Design (10 minutes) Create a list of rules for the Native Americans/families to follow Make a list of crops and animals in your mission/presidio Create a list of jobs for the Native Americans/families Sketch out a basic layout for the mission/presidio
Part 3 of the Mission/Presidio Design (20 minutes) Create an aerial overview of your mission/presidio Include all or some items from the list on the guideline paper Make this neat, readable, and colorful include a map key for different parts of your mission