Verbs – action,linking,helping Action verbs tell what someone or something is doing. Physical action: Rose stood at the foot of the stairs trying to take it all in. Mental Action: She couldn’t understand why the front room was such a mess. Make a list of 5 physical and 5 mental action verbs.
Linking Verbs ALWAYS LINKING Forms of “BE” (is, am, are, was, were, is being, has been, have been, had been, will be, will have been) Forms of “Become” Forms of “Seem” SOMETIMES LINKING Appear Feel Grow Look Prove Remain Smell Sound Taste Turn
How do you know if it’s linking or action? Replace the verb with a linking verb. If it still makes sense, it’s probably a linking verb. Ex. The flower looks wilted. The flower is wilted. – makes sense looks = linking Ex. The boy looked for his hat. The boy is for his hat. – doesn’t make sense looked = action
ENTRY #3 WRITE the word that is the verb ENTRY #3 WRITE the word that is the verb. Identify whether the verb is a linking or an action verb. 1) I proved you wrong. 2) Those cinnamon buns smell great. 3) Please remain seated. 4) Have you tasted her cooking? 5) Do you feel faint? 6) The students appear to be confused. Write two sentences using linking verbs and two sentences using action verbs.
Helping verbs Helping verbs (HV) help main verbs (MV) do their jobs. They help state an action or show time. They ALWAYS come before the main verb. Ex. She couldn’t understand why the front room upstairs had been made so charming. They are coming to visit next weekend. The have been gone a long time. Other examples include am, is, was, were, will, could, would, shall, may, must.
Complete the Verb package handed out to you.
How Verb Tense affects your narrative Look at “The Goalie” paragraph one verbs. Just above each verb, write in what that verb form would be in past tense. pleased Nothing pleases him. What effect(s) does this change have on the story? What should you consider when choosing the verb tense you use?