SR 411 / FIRST & THIRD AVENUES 2016 Longview comprehensive plan update Community discussion ● October 17, 2016
Comprehensive Plan Basics Community vision for next 20 years Last Longview update in 2006 (halfway point) Integrated (land use, transportation, parks, businesses/jobs, industry, utilities, housing, & other things that are important to the community) Cowlitz is not a GMA county Goals & strategies Periodically reevaluate
How is the comprehensive plan enacted? Future land-use map (comp plan) Zoning map & regulations (municipal code) City projects/investments Private development Periodically reevaluate & adjust
About the First/Third Corridor 1st/3rd Avenue corridor from Washington Street to Tennant Way Two distinct areas North of Hudson Street primarily residential and government uses South of Hudson Street primarily industrial uses
Comprehensive Plan Map Classifications (policy) North of Hudson St. – High Density Residential & Public/Quasi-Public/ Institutional South of Hudson St. – Light Industrial & Medium Density Residential
Zoning Designations (regulation) North of Hudson St. – Riverfront District & R-4 Residential District South of Hudson St. – Light Industrial District & R-2 Residential District
Current Conditions – North of Hudson Current land uses don’t relate to one another (public facilities, assisted living, commercial offices, etc.) Some single-family & multifamily homes, but lacking neighborhood look & feel or sense of place Auto oriented; traffic volume & speeds not conducive to residential Considerable percentage of cut- through traffic (vs. destinations within the corridor)
Issues – North of Hudson Street Envisioned development hasn’t happened (water recreation) River siltation precludes boating access Shoreline development is limited by levee and environmental & safety regulations Interest in allowing personal services (e.g. beauty shop) Lot patterning may be a barrier South of Peardale, ditch behind properties west of SR 411 hampers lot depths
Possibilities for North First/Third corridor Lacey Corporate Center 8,230 sq. ft. multi-tenant office Lacey, WA Matthews Professional Center 13 multi-tenant buildings totaling 45,000 sq. ft. Matthews, North Carolina (Credit: Urban Architectural Group)
Current Conditions – South of Hudson Transit north of Hudson only Limited sidewalks south of Hudson; no bike lanes Considerable percentage of cut- through traffic (vs. destinations within the corridor) Rail spur on east side of Third Avenue Easy access to I-5 and the port industrial area
Issues – South of Hudson Street Interest in allowing more commercial uses Ditch behind properties west of SR 411 hampers lot depths Shoreline development is limited by levee and environmental & safety regulations
Possibilities for South First/Third Corridor Contractor Showroom and Yard 27,540 sf three building complex with secure outdoor storage Livermore, CA Lofstrand Industrial Services Bldg. 13,500 sf of Industrial Flex Space Rockville, MD
Possibilities for South First/Third Corridor (continued) Small Manufacturing 40,000 sq. ft. Hypoid Building Pocasset, MA Light industrial Flex Space totaling 21,000 sq. ft. Date Business Park Murietta, Calif.
Future of First/Third Corridor? What would make the current land uses fit together better? What should zoning focus on? What works now? What is missing? Appropriate uses in relation to transportation corridor & travel patterns in the area? Improve bike/ped aspect?
Next Steps Additional workshops – other focus areas Update current (2006) plan content (background, issues, etc.) Review & update existing goals & policies Planning commission/city council discussion, input, & direction throughout Public hearings & environmental review Adoption by mid-2017
Questions? For more information or to give feedback: Steve Langdon, Planning Manager Longview Community Development Department 360.442.5083