Disruptions, Barriers and Stress at Paid Work


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Presentation transcript:

Disruptions, Barriers and Stress at Paid Work Chapter 5 Disruptions, Barriers and Stress at Paid Work

Discrimination 1) Discrimination is when an employer provides unequal opportunities to protected groups. For example, study of racial discrimination that shows white ex con are called back 17% of the time, but crime-free black applicants only 14%. Yet, white people, when surveyed, don’t believe that racial disc. Exists. 2) In this country, discrimination is illegal against…. But protected against which group?

Discrimination 3) Discrimination comes in two types: Hiring Promotion 4) Discrimination is difficult to prevent It is hard to prove – It is legal to make it difficult The government does not provide enough resources to ensure non discrimination

Discrimination 5) Causes for Hiring Discrimination (when employers refuse to hire certain groups for certain jobs) A) Statistical discrimination B) Gender/Race typing C) Job Sex Segregation D) Networks E) Homosocial Reproduction

Discrimination 6) Causes for Pay and Promotion Discrimination A) Tokenism B) HR C) Networking D) Glass Ceiling and Sticky Floor E) Sexual Harassment Quid pro quo Hostile Working Environment F) Comparable Worth Discrimination

Solutions to Discrimination Statistical discrimination Gender/race typing Job sex segregation Homosocial reproduction Networking Affirmative Action What is AA: Executive Order. Only effects businesses accepting money from the government. Doesn’t require quotas Two biggest complaints about AA: Reverse Discrimination – This assumes that: every job is filled by qualified white men; tests measure qualification; hiring is an objective process in which we know who is BEST. Preferential Treatment -- This assumes that preferential treatment benefiting white men does not exist. Is this true? In colleges, there is preferential treatment towards alumnis.

Unemployment Types of unemployment Frictional– unavoidable delays between jobs Structural- # of jobs available less than number of people seeking jobs. Underemployed- people jobs don’t match their skills. Layoffs --

Workplace Hazards 1) 14,000 deaths a year due to industrial accidents 2) 30,000 deaths from unsafe consumer products…… 3) There are only 20,000 street murders… 4) Corporate Crime costs 174 billion dollars 5) Street Crime costs 4 billion dollars

Workplace Hazards 6) Chronic Stress Injury 7) Workplace Pollution 8) There is no “Right to Know Legislation.” 9) Developing countries have it worse: Bhopal……