Welcome to the Friday Lego Club Welcome to Our Home: Tonight Who is TechBrick TechBrick is a home-school robotics club that runs under the Home-School umbrella of New Covenant Presbyterian Church. We are in our fourth year and provide monthly meetings along with two robotics competition teams. What groups are offered What do they do Building Bridges The Test…
Who we are: TechBrick TechBrick in our 4 th year!
How Big is First JFLL-Junior FIRST LEGO League 702 teams in the US students involved 10+ teams in MD and DC. FLL-FIRST LEGO League 9250 teams worldwide 5600 in the US and Canada 462 events in 45 countries 92,500 students 24,000 volunteers In the US, 63 Championships and 250+ Qualifiers 70 teams in MD and DC. 64 teams competing at the FLL Maryland State Championship on Jan. 20, 2007 at UMBC. FVC-FIRST Vex Challenge 541 teams 23 Affiliate Partners 10+ teams in MD and DC. FRC-FIRST Robotics Competition 1319 teams 24 teams in Maryland World Championship: Atlanta April ,000 children 4,000 mentors At the Georgia Dome
Junior First Lego League: 0-7 Basic conceptual and group building.
First Lego League: Uses NXT Robotics. Complex problem solving.
First VEX Challenge: Uses advanced processor and mechanical system
First Robotics Competition: Most complex and expensive program.
Friday Nights Most Last Fridays September Through June
Friday Nights Lots of Fun!
Bridges: Six Types Can you build the strongest, most effective bridge? There are six kinds of bridges Girder Truss Rigid Frame Arch Cable Stayed Suspension
Bridges: Girder Girder
Bridges: Truss Truss
Bridges: Rigid Frame Rigid Frame
Bridges: Arch Arch
Bridges: Cable Stayed Cable Stayed
Bridges: Suspension Suspension
Tonight Bridges: Design is Important If you want to build a bridge what are some of the things you need to know?
The Task: 6 Teams will Build Bridges Look at your name badge for your team number You have 30 minutes or so to build a great bridge. Simple rules are: Build a model of your assigned type. It must span the width on the paper. When you are done we will bring them up one by one and see how many blocks they can hold. And discuss the strength based on design.