El fayal-brezal It is located in the driest parts of the Monteverde. It is composed of a few species, such as :
Fayal (Myrica faya)
Heather (Erica arborea)
The acebiño (Ilex canariensis)
Wildlife is abundant and diverse, with many endemic species like the splendor beetle (Carabus Faustus) and the Canary cleopatra butterfly (Gonepterix cleobule cleobule)
The splendor beetle (Carabus Faustus)
The Canary cleopatra butterfly (Gonepterix cleobule cleobule)
Among vertebrates, the most important are the birds, such as endemic turquoise dove (Columba bollii) and the wild dove (Laurel Pigeon).
Turquoise dove (Columba bollii)
The wild dove (Laurel Pigeon).
STATE OF CONSERVATION AND MAJOR THREATS The cutting of trees has had as consequence the disappearing of the associated flora and fauna.