Sakai, J. I., Nishi, K., and Sokolov, I. V. ApJ, 2002, 576, 1018 Heating of coronal loop footpoints by slingshot magnetic reconnection during two loop interactions driven by a moving solitary magnetic kink Sakai, J. I., Nishi, K., and Sokolov, I. V. ApJ, 2002, 576, 1018
Background-theories Possible coronal heating mechanism: MHD waves propagate and dissipate (e.g., Steiner et al. 1994, Ofman, et al. 1998, Sakurai, 1985 ) Current sheets heating at the topologic interface (e.g., Parker 1972, Glencross 1975, Rosner et al. 1978, Sturrock and Uchida 1981, Demoulin and Priest 1997)---- but it is hard to detect the existence of current in the corona at present
Background-observations TRACE EUV observations (Lenz et al. 1999; Aschwanden et al. 2000, 2001) near-isothermal loop T structure, multithreads, heated near the footpoints for some EUV loops TRACE EUV observations (Schrijver 1999, Qiu et al. 1999) existence of up- and downflows in active region loops
Sakai’s previous main results Collision of magnetic flux tubes shock formation and upflows (2000a) Collision between the shock waves and the loops surface Alfven waves (2000b) Nonlinear MHD wave propagation upward torsional and compressional waves (2000c, 2001a) Surface Alfven waves and upward plasma magnetic reconnection Chromospheric loop heating model (2001b)
The present work To investigate reconnection between a vertical loop and a low-lying loop driven by the ‘moving solitary magnetic kink’ (MoSMak) Coronal loop heating ?
Formation of a MoSMaK Head-on collision process of two dense plasma blobs in a twisted magnetic flux tube (the plasma blobs can be driven by the flux tube collisions near the photosphere) Iso-surface of |B|=0.32 A=2a/VA, a=20
Velocity structure of the MoSMaK Bx-By Vx-Vy (1) (2) (3) Iso-surface of |v|=0.2
Time evolution of the head-on collision process of two MoSMaKs Iso-surface of |B|=0.19 Horizontal loop Strong expanding toroidal flux
Time evolution of the iso-surface of |B|=0.19 Vertical loop Sling-shot reconnection appears
Time evolution of the iso-surface of |B|=0.31 with different view
Time evolution of By-Bz (x=100) Time evolution of Bx-Bz (y=100) Time evolution of By-Bz (x=100)
Time evolution of the iso-surface of |V|=0.15 Time evolution of Vy-Vz (x=100) Time evolution of the iso-surface of |V|=0.15
Velocity distribution on Z=200 at t=28
Vertical loop heating
conclusion A new local heating model of loop footpoints in the chromosphere is proposed Non-uniform heating by slingshot reconnection, driven by the MoSMaKs The loop interaction results in the formation of both helical up- and downflows