GLOBAL FORUM ON GENDER STATISTICS Session 8: Engendering household surveys: measuring work, a 5-Country Panel Sophia Lawrence, International Labour Office INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE
Engendered labour statistics mean Account for different work realities at each stage of production. Methods incorporate awareness: different ways in which men and women view, perform, control, benefit from Their “work” activities. Conventional focus is male-oriented... INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE
Engendered household surveys require Coverage all topics & types of activity: Work in widest sense, working time, WTAs, job-seeking behaviour etc. Multiple/combined activities, casual work, subsistence/informal employment, etc. Adequate detail: decision-making / executing posts, entrepreneurs / home, gang workers, income components (benefits, overtime?), place of work, small production units, etc... Relevant disaggregation: personal characteristics, job characteristics, family context/personal circumstances, etc. 1. casual INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE
Hhld Survey challenges Question formulations: overcome biases & ensure application of definitional criteria. Independent measurement & reporting: higher chance men & women receive equal statistical treatment. Coverage of all productive activity: unpaid non-market services, incl. volunteers. Truly reflecting realities -> change towards gender-equality INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE