4 April
Influential youtubers Science Fiction
Do you know these people? What do they have in common? YOUTUBERS
If so, what would you like to talk about? If not, why? What do youtubers do? Would you like to be one? If so, what would you like to talk about? If not, why? How can a person become a youtuber? Watch the video and check.
How influential are youtubers nowadays? In your opinion, are they more influential among children, teenagers or adults? Why?
How can youtubers be helpful to teens? Watch the video and discuss. How can youtubers be helpful to teens? How can youtubers be harmful to teens?
“YouTube is becoming much more than an entertainment destination” Do you agree? “The thing that has made YouTube so successful is that you can relate to the people you’re watching to a much higher degree than to the people you see on TV” – Pew Di Pie, youtuber. “YouTube is becoming much more than an entertainment destination” – Chad Hurley, former executive diretor of YouTube. From: https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/youtube
Which are the TOP 10 most influential famous people in your life? Why? X T R A Which are the TOP 10 most influential famous people in your life? Why? Compare in pairs. How different are your lists? Why is that? Which factors have contributed to the differences or similarities? age? gender? job? likes & dislikes?
In your opinion, which of these pictures best describe the future?
Which elements can be present in “science fiction” books/films/TV series? Watch the video and check. Do you like any sci-fi books/films/TV series? If so, which one(s)? What do you like most about it/them? If not, why?
What do you know about this TV series? What kind of events could lead to the story of this TV series? social status health economy science education
What’s the story of these books? In your opinion, how can these stories relate to the world as we know it nowadays?
Do you agree? “The possibilities in sci-fi are wonderful. The subject is bigger than everything we know” – Joel Gretsch, actor From: https://www.brainyquote.com/search_results?q=sci-fi
Do you agree? “One of the great things about the sci-fi genre is that you can kind of get away with a bit more when talking [about] politics, making social references or dealing with very hot-button topics because it is sci-fi.” – Rachel Nichols, actress From: https://www.brainyquote.com/search_results?q=sci-fi
Slide 7 - An example of a harmful attitude: https://www. independent An example of a helpful attitude: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCskEPRzGlsYHs_a5SJyCXag Slide 13 – 3% season 2 premiered on 27 April. Mute vídeo sound. (audio in Portuguese with subtitles in English) Slide 14 – Elicit answers from WG before playing the videos. Play only if nobody produces an answer.