Impression Technique of Some Maxillofacial Defects Assis. Lec. Manar Eyad
Maxillofacial Prosthesis:-is an artificial device or any prosthesis used to replace part or all of any stomatognathic and/or Craniofacial structure.
Causes of Maxillofacial defects Acquired. squamous cell carcinoma malignant melanoma.
Developmental functional jaw position developed as a combination of tooth loss and growth discrepancy
Prosthesis may be classified according to location into
Intra Oral prosthesis Maxillary prosthesis Obturator Feeding aid prosthesis
Intra Oral prosthesis Mandibular prosthesis. Mandibular resection prosthesis Tongue prosthesis
Obturator Surgical obturator
Obturator for partially edentulous patient
Interim obturator
Definitive obturator
Obturator for completely edentulous patient
Fabrication of obturator for completely edentulous patient
Fabrication of obturator for completely edentulous patient
A novel technique in patients with limited mouth opening
two-piece obturator with embedded magnets with press studs
Feeding aid Prosthesis
Fabrication of Mandibular resection prosthesis
Tongue prosthesis Single piece tongue
Tongue prosthesis two piece tongue
Tongue prosthesis Prosthesis Attached to Maxillary Denture
Tongue prosthesis
Tongue prosthesis
Digital Impression
Digital Impression
Digital Impression
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