Swedish views on the revision of the WFD reporting sheets for the next reporting cycle Niklas Holmgren Assistant Director Competent Authority of South Baltic River Basin District
The reporting stream WFD in Sweden 250 000 € 21 Counties SwaM Reportnet Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM) The schemas, and support from EEA and Atkins – worked excellent! 5 Water Authorities
Pressures Review the lists of Pressures 2.4 Diffuse – Abandoned industrial sites (SW but not GW) considered a Point Source in Sweden – scale 1:250 000 Use assesment of RBMP from MS to aggregate categories Define categories better – example: 1.3 Point - IPPC plants (EPRTR) 1.4 Point - Non IPPC 1.5 Point - Other Are all categories used? Can they be aggregated?
Confidence Ecological status Defined as low, medium and high. To complex according to CIS guidance no 13 to be done for 20 000 water bodies… Simplify…
Environmental costs Assessment of RBMP – was it useful? Either… Took a lot of time… Either… Make better definitions and methodologies or… Skip it!
Learn from history! WFD RBMP reporting phase issues (HelpdeskWFD log) WFD Article 2 Definitions: ”1. Surface water means inland waters, except groundwater; transitional waters and coastal waters, except in respect of chemical status for which it shall also include territorial waters.” The answer leads to new questions….
Significant or ”normal” pressure? Hard to define… Need for intercalibration exercises?
Link from station to monitoring data per QE http://info1.ma.slu.se/max/www_max.acgi$Station?ID=Intro&pID=136&sID=4595
Open API from national systems
Continue standardizing Update schemas according to INSPIRE
Conclusions Review after assessments of RBMP Pressures list Marine waters chemical status Ecological confidence definitions Environmental costs Intercalibrate significant pressure definitions SEIS – Open API development. Add URL per QE and station to reach monitoring data Develop Open API Standardization - INSPIRE Streamlining reporting streams NiD, WISE SoE and WFD – keep going! UWWT, IPPC, Habitates, Bathing water…