Photographic Storytelling
STORYTELLING Great storytelling photos show who, what, when, where, why and how of an event.
STORYTELLING | ANTICIPATE During a close Division Finals game, the photographer got down low to photograph the goalie during the final shootout. Turning around, he noticed this scene and shot the anticipation. Lesson: Anticpate the action, but remember to look around you. Matthew Szczerba, Powers Catholic High School [MI]
STORYTELLING | BUILD CHARACTERS Don’t forget the fans and crowds. They are an equally important part of the story. Chelsey Burgess, Whitney High School [CA]
STORYTELLING | SHOW THE SETTING The photographer takes the reader to where the story happened and shows more than just the people involved. Katie Blanks, Round Rock High School [TX]
STORYTELLING | SHOW DETAILS Show details that would be difficult to explain in writing. Kyle Burnett, Franklin High School [TX]
STORYTELLING | SHOW EMOTION Emotion: photos show expressive body language, close-ups of eyes and mouth, interaction between people Tiffini Jarvis, Bryant High School [AR]
STORYTELLING | SHOW ENERGY Photos capture the action; they stop it close-up. Amanda Pankhurst, Amboy High School [IL]
STORYTELLING | SHOW REACTIONS Reaction: photos show expressions and include subjects that tell the story. Sometimes a reaction is more interesting than the action just before it. Justin McCarroll, Franklin High School [TX]
STORYTELLING | SHOW RELATIONSHIPS Relationship: Photos show the interaction between subjects. The photographer looks for eye contact. Mali Cao, Red Mountain High School [AZ]
STORYTELLING | CAPTURE VARIETY A medium shot brings readers closer to the action and tells more of the story. Emma Pindell, Marist Catholic High School [OR]
THINK ABOUT THE SPREAD Format: A variety of both horizontal and vertical photos covers a story more effectively. Subjects: Varying the number of people in the photos tells different stories. A photo might show a single person, a couple, a small group or a large group. Sequence: A complete visual story results by shooting before, during and after the event or activity.
Practice Complete the Photojournalism exit ticket.
Use Throughout the creation of the yearbook, continue thinking about how the photographs taken share a story.