DIS Newspaper Club Application Return completed form with parent signature to Room E106 on or before September 22, 2017. Print your name clearly ________________________________________________________ Grade _______________ Homeroom Teacher _____________________________________ I would like to have the following newspaper assignment (please indicate your 1st and 2nd choice: 6th grade reporter _____ YES Newspaper Delivery _____ YES 5th grade reporter _____ YES Conducting Surveys _____ YES photographer _____ YES Design and Layout _____ YES cartoonist _____ YES Proofreader _____ YES I have experience/am good at the following (check all that apply): Drawing _________ Writing ________________ Talking to people ________________ Proofreading and editing copy ___________ Generating ideas _______________ Observing human behavior ___________ Organizing projects ________________ Other (please explain) _____________________________________________________________ Parent Approval: I grant permission for my child (please print name clearly) ______________________________ to participate in the DIS Newspaper Club. We understand that the club will meet Tuesday and Thursday mornings, beginning October 3, 2017. Please print your name clearly. Parent/Guardian’s signature Durham Intermediate School 803 Shady Oaks Drive Southlake, Texas 76092 817-949-5300