Make sure your Airport Master Plan and Planning and Project Justification: Lessons Learned … Make sure your Airport Master Plan and Airport Layout Plan provides the justification for future projects!
Planning and Project Justification: Lessons Learned … NEPA documentation is based on PURPOSE and NEED. FAA requirements for NEPA: Provide Alternatives Selection Criteria in the Alternatives chapter of an EA.
Alternatives Screening Process
Planning and Project Justification: Lessons Learned … NEPA documentation is based on PURPOSE and NEED. FAA requirements for NEPA: Provide Alternatives Selection Criteria in the Alternatives chapter of an EA. Provide a comprehensive construction impact analysis. Be sure to close the loop on your Categorical Exclusion documentation, i.e., get a written response back from the FAA for your files.
Be prepared for review curveballs from FAA’s “Lines of Business” Planning and Project Justification: Lessons Learned … Be prepared for review curveballs from FAA’s “Lines of Business”
Planning and Project Justification: Lessons Learned … Vulnerabilities for your Airport in the CEQA process: Alternatives – The public expects more than just a Proposed Action and a No Action alternative. Having the alternatives process from the Master Plan documented can provide valuable information regarding alternatives that were initially considered to include in your CEQA documentation. Growth Inducement & Cumulative Impact Analysis – Typically needs more detail than in a NEPA document.
Recommendations Begin your coordination process early. Meet with FAA to obtain their concurrence on the project justification. Agree on Alternative Screening Criteria. Establish an agreed-to project schedule.