PARKLANDS COMMUNITY PRIMARY SCHOOL A guide to the Assessment Arrangements at the end of Key Stage Two (Year 6) 2019 Meeting for Parents
Objectives of the meeting To give you an outline of the Key Stage Two assessment arrangements including SATS How the results are reported to you Ways in which you can help your child to prepare An opportunity to look through the sample papers/tests Discuss any concerns with teachers
The New National Curriculum 2014 In 2014 the new National Curriculum was introduced by the government with the aim of: Raising standards in education Ensuring all children are taught the “Key skills for life” Updating content such as computing
Assessment Arrangements at the end of Key Stage Two in 2016 In the summer term of 2016, new tests were introduced in Year 2 and Year 6 to test the 2014 National Curriculum. A new mark scheme was also introduced to replace the old National Curriculum Levels
The SATS Tests At the end of Year 6 (week beginning13th May) your children will sit tests in: Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) Reading Maths These tests will be both set and marked externally, and the results will be used to measure the school’s performance. Your child’s marks will be used in conjunction with teacher assessment to give a broader picture of their attainment.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Paper 1 – Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary Paper 2 – Spelling test (a range of words that contain a variety of spelling patterns, follow rules and key words)
Some Examples of SPAG Questions
Spelling Test
The Reading Test The reading test will be a single paper with questions based on three passages of text. The texts will be both non-fiction and fiction examples The questions will be based on skills such as recall, retrieval, inference, layout, opinion, use of language, etc.
The Reading Test
The Mathematics Tests Paper 1 – Arithmetic to assess a range of mathematical operations. Papers 2 and 3 – Assessing problem solving and mathematical reasoning
Sample Arithmetic Paper
Writing (Teacher Assessment - No Test) The children will not sit a test in writing. Writing is assessed by the teacher who will look at a range of independent writing genres that your child has produced throughout the year. The teacher has to follow a framework when judging the children’s writing. Children will receive one of the following judgements: Working towards the expected standard Working at the expected standard Working at greater depth within the expected standard To be awarded the judgements, a child must show evidence of all the criteria in that band.
Writing – Teacher Assessments Teachers will be moderated on their writing assessments by county advisors, who will come in to school and discuss/look through the evidence in children’s work
Science Science is also assessed by the teacher
The results of the Key Stage 2 SATs Following the removal of the National Curriculum Levels, Scaled Scores will be used to report Year 6 test outcomes. For the KS2 tests a scaled score of 100 will represent the ‘expected standard’. These scaled scores will be fed back to schools (beginning to middle of July) and then parents will receive confirmation of whether their child has met the ‘expected standard’ in the end of year reports.
Teacher Assessments Teacher Assessment judgements will also be reported to parents. These are rounded judgements based on knowledge of how the pupil has performed over time and in a variety of contexts. Writing Teacher Assessments – covered on previous slides Teacher Assessments in reading, maths and science will simply indicate whether children are ‘working at the expected standard’.
How to help your child prepare Writing: Discuss different texts that you see. Reading helps writing! Talk about: The purpose, audience, structure, language, punctuation and presentational features and “magpie” phrases/words Encourage children to plan their paragraphs/ ideas before writing Get them to read their writing out loud to check sense, tenses, punctuation, etc. Encourage up levelling – inserting descriptive words, different starters, etc.
Gap Analysis Over the last term and looking at previous assessments, the teachers have worked with the children to find ‘gaps’ in their knowledge. From this the children have been able to create their own personal targets for arithmetic and writing. As a school, and particularly in Year 6, we have used previous reading assessment to find areas for development. The next slide will provide a range of examples which can be adapted at home.
Reading Share texts! Discuss words and why the author may have used them Read between the lines – not just straight recall Discuss presentational features, language, etc as before The tests will be timed so reading at speed is important too – what is this paragraph about? Scanning texts – “Where’s Wally”
Gap Analysis Question Starters How does the main character feel in the book? How do you know? How was the setting the author chose important to the story? Explain your view. Why has the character acted in the way they have? What clues suggest this? What lesson did the character learn? Where does the story take place? Who are the characters in the book? Through whose eyes is the story told? When is the story set? What evidence can you find to justify this? According to the text, how many… Look at the section headed… complete the sentence below… The next slide shows an example of a gap analysis sheet used in Maths, ask your child what their target is and you can use the ideas on the following slides to help focus your revision.
Arithmetic Gap Analysis
SPAG Practise spellings by: Little and often (10mins a day) Picking out words they may have spelt incorrectly in their homework Make spellings fun – look for patterns, use phonics, use different pens to practise Punctuation and Grammar: Discuss the punctuation and word classes when reading Your child will receive a SPAG guide – again little and often! Play online games – mar/
Maths Multiplication tables are vital Practise different written calculations Encourage maths around you – get the children to work out the shopping cost, change, the time, etc. The children will also receive a revision guide to help with any revision Online games: Mymaths/Rock Star Times tables http://resources.woodlands-
Revision Guides We would like to thank parents and carers for contributing towards the purchase of the revision guides, they play a vital part in the revision and help focus any work completed at home. They are a useful tool and provide the children with a range of methods and examples to keep their memory fresh!
Health Warning! There will be gaps in children’s knowledge. The tests are more difficult. There will be questions that many children are unable to answer We feel strongly that at Parklands Community Primary School we are preparing your child for the tests. We also are determined for your child to enjoy their primary school life with enriching and engaging activities. Your child is only10/11 – enjoy life!