Early Career Biostatisticians ISCB Sub-Committee Early Career Biostatisticians Terms of Reference, Membership and Report ISCB39 Melbourne 2018: AGM Wed 29 Aug
ECB-SC: Terms of Reference and Membership Information Terms of Reference Members Early Career Biostatisticians ECB@ ISCB.info The subcommittee takes actions for making the annual conferences a stimulating place with good networking opportunities for all career-young biostatisticians (i.e. 10 years post BCs in Biostatistics or a related field). Subcommittee addresses all issues related to or raised by all Early Career Biostatisticians as members of the Society. Chair: Daniella Zoeller (DE) Secretary: Myra Beth Mcguiness (AU) Members: 1. Anurika Priyanjali De Silva (AU) 2. Camila Olarte Parra (BE) 3. David W Warne (CH) 4. Diane Uschner (DE) 5. Georgina Tsambos (AU) 6. Isaac Fwemba (BE) 7. Juan Carlos Pardo-Fernándes (ES) 8. Katherine Lee (AU) 9. Laure Wynants (BE) 10. Michael J Grayling (UK) 11.Nadine Binder (DE) 12. Rianne Jacobs (NL) 13. Susanne Urach (AT) 14. Thomas Jaki (UK) 15. Dirk Valkenborg (BE) 16. Martial Luyts (BE) 17. Georgina Tsambos (AU, SSA)
ECB-SC: Report The ECB-SC was newly founded in Decemember 2017. The group already was already established beforehand and helped organizing the Student‘s Day in Birmingham and Vigo. We received 19 abstracts for the ECR Day: 13 abstracts came from Australia; 1 abstract came from Iran, Indonesia, Finland, New Zealand, and Nigeria. Thanks to all members of the SC for judging the applications and for giving good care and deliberation in the decision process. The SC selected eight early careers after review of the submitted abstracts. In addition, we recommended four abstracts for the poster session. The SC invited three experienced speakers for the ECR Day: Tim Morris (UK), Louise Ryan (AUS), and Nicole Close (US).
ECB-SC: Report Further SC actions for early career biostatisticians: - Students’ Gathering: Sunday, 26th August 2018 To meet peers beforehand the conference. Thanks to the LOC for organisation - Early Career Researchers’ Day: Thursday, 30th August 2018 To stimulate discussion on how to be a good researcher and how to shape a researcher career. Three experienced speaker presentations, 8 oral early career contributions, and a moderated round on open questions. With the collaboration of the SSA.