The Survival Plan
The Survival Coordinator Responsibilities of the survival coordinator during development of the plan reporting to amendment on the status of the project and spend against budget all liaison with external consultants if these are used advising on team structure, leaders and members arranging and monitoring all meetings supervising the preparation and distribution of the plan during normal operations training testing maintenance of the plan advising management
Suggested Contents of a Survival Plan Introduction How to use the survival plan Survival plan synopsis Numbering schema explanation Policy statement Survival project foundation Survival project objectives Method of distribution
Suggested Contents of a Survival Plan Duties of survival coordinator Overview and summary Survival training program summary orientation training team training training schedule testing program Maintenance procedures Functions during recovery - summary - component testing - integrated testing - disaster drill testing - testing schedule - summary - ongoing maintenance - maintenance responsibility - maintenance schedule - summary - plan activation - establishing command center - advisor of survival teams
Suggested Contents of a Survival Plan Data processing survival teams - recovery strategies - recovery procedure - progress log - backup membership - task assignments - task procedures Synopsis of survival teams Teams Contact lists Inventory lists - alternate sites - users and customers - staff - forms and supplies - manuals - software - office equipment
Suggested Contents of a Survival Plan Data processing survival teams 2 Support resources Vendors and servicers organization chart synopsis support functions priority definitions production application priorities command center locations calling procedures recovery status report production constraints responsibilities recovery file requirements critical services component failure impact Hardware telecommunications software office equipment forms and supplies furnishings air conditioning utilities (water, electricity) manuals off-site storage facilities alternate services