Working safely with Cast Iron products
Introduction For many years we have avoided promoting Cast Iron products with SG Iron and Cast Steel becoming our preferred materials. There are however still many CI products installed on sites around the country and to ensure safe operation basic good practice should be employed. The purpose of this short presentation is to remind us of the necessary considerations to ensure safe working conditions. We also need to consider our Group Policy and how it effects us as individuals
Group Policy All Operating Companies must ensure that All products sold into their local market are supplied with up to date IMIs in an acceptable language compliant with local law. It is mandatory that all products sold should be accompanied by an up-to-date IMI and cast iron products should have a warning label. It is the responsibility of the external and internal sales teams to ensure communication of this during any discussions with customers. PM & installation teams should recheck and provide the IMI if it is not in place.
IMI Content Before any installation it is important that the safety Information found in IMIs is read and understood. Specifically for cast iron products, which have been updated to Offer specific advice on good engineering practices, required to prevent water hammer and ensure safe working conditions on steam systems.
WARNING LABEL A ‘warning label’ action has been taken, and labels will be attached to ALL cast iron products supplied by the Group from the end of October. Please read and familiarise yourself with the ‘warning label’ which will provide a more visible method of alerting customers to importance of good steam system engineering practices, required to prevent water hammer, particularly when sites are installing cast iron products.
Note If you have any concerns regarding the implementation of these changes please raise with your normal line management.
Remember Cast iron is a brittle material: Observe pressure temperature limits Ensure adequate drainage Do not subject to waterhammer Avoid pipework stresses Correctly tighten bolts - torque and sequence Avoid thermal shock Do not use if the product has been dropped Ideally use SG Iron and Cast Steel products If in doubt – ask!