Name COUNTRY 10 th
Name COUNTRY 10 th Cheung Yee Man Hong Kong Cheung Yee Man Hong Kong
Name COUNTRY 9 th
Name COUNTRY 9 th Hiroto Kano Japan Hiroto Kano Japan
Name COUNTRY 8 th
Name COUNTRY 8 th Brenda Martinez Perez Dagdug Mexico Brenda Martinez Perez Dagdug Mexico
Name COUNTRY 7 th
Name COUNTRY 7 th Miguel Angel Cortez Gonzalez Mexico Miguel Angel Cortez Gonzalez Mexico
Name COUNTRY 6 th
Name COUNTRY 6 th Brian Males United Kingdom Brian Males United Kingdom
Name COUNTRY 5 th
Name COUNTRY 5 th William Tredway USA William Tredway USA
Name COUNTRY 4 th
Name COUNTRY 4 th Da-Hye Kim Korea Da-Hye Kim Korea
1 st A $ USD Cash Prize 4-Year Subscription for Adobe ® Creative Cloud Extra Large Wacom Digital Tablet and Luxury Digital Drawing Pen A Gold Medal of Achievement Official Award Certificate 2 nd A $ USD Cash Prize 3-Year Subscription for Adobe ® Creative Cloud Large Wacom Digital Tablet and Premium Digital Drawing Pen A Silver Medal of Achievement Official Award Certificate 2013 PRIZES AND AWARDS 3 rd A $ USD Cash Prize 2-Year Subscription for Adobe ® Creative Cloud Small Wacom Digital Tablet and Basic Digital Drawing Pen A Bronze Medal of Achievement Official Award Certificate
Name COUNTRY 3 rd
Name COUNTRY 3 rd Jheng-Ji Tang Taiwan Jheng-Ji Tang Taiwan
2 nd
Nandy Vanessa Parra León Colombia Nandy Vanessa Parra León Colombia
Name COUNTRY Name COUNTRY 1 st Na Yeon Kim Korea Na Yeon Kim Korea
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